Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Morning Madness

Most mornings I am up early, go down to the kitchen, feed the cats and brew up a cup of tea.  With the lovely summer mornings I take advantage of the coolness and amble around my garden, pull a weed here, sweep a path there, sit down with my tea and Tinkerbell who is showing her age at seventeen.  I enjoy the peace and listen to the mourning doves and all this; while still in my night attire and I wonder why it always looks so scruff.  It’s hard to find the right night attire, don’t you think?  With me quite often the PJs are too long, I will have to start seriously making my own.  I do have a couple of old fashioned night dress patterns, one is a Prairie dress pattern, but could easily be a nightdress pattern; I do have a PJ pattern too.

Holiday weekend rushed by, Friday was mostly overcast but the sun did come out late in the day.  I spent the morning measuring and cutting out strips for the Bible covers, tough on ones knees.  I got to meet in the evening with two friends we are working on a Bible cover project, forty covers total, which will be hand made between the three of us.  So grey felt, blanket stitched with appliques applied.  Each of us has license to use our creative powers, no two ever turn out the same, and this project has to be ready by mid-August.

Saturday was a beautiful day and as a last minute arrangement a friend came over to lunch which we ate in the garden, and drank my Stash Paris Breakfast Tea, which is so good.  Lavender, bergamot and black tea, I found it on sale while visiting my friend Kim and bought several boxes, originally $3.60 reduced to $1.60.  I also bought a box of liquorice, but have not tried that yet.

I don’t think I mentioned the Woolrich Company, when we were visiting friends we passed the Woolrich outlet store, and we were not too far away from the town of Woolrich where the company was founded in 1830 by an English immigrant.  One iconic piece is the Railway Vest made by them for the Railroad workers when they first built the railroad across Pennsylvania.  I will keep a visit in mind for my next trip up there, although I did hear that a lot of pieces are not USA made now, all rather sad.  The Woolrich Blog is quite interesting.

I personally have worn a pinafore dress, made by Woolrich, still have it and wear it and dare I say it is BR, before Rob, so over twenty years old; it’s in heavy cotton.

Found a whole bag of mohair at the Thrift, sixteen balls of mohair and Orlon in a heather spice, which is a blue grey and nutmeg brown combination, it must be quite old, as it originally came from Sears, and I do not remember them selling yarn, but they obviously did, $3.60 the bag, a happy find.

Have a great day,

P.S.  After reading the Woolrich Blog is seems that they are committed to producing more wool items at their Pennsylvania Mill.

P.P.S.  Have requested two sample swatch packets, one is called Reanactment Fabrics and the other is Fiber Art Fabrics, so should be fun.  Also they have tours of the mill in August, September and October, I think that I would like to try and visit them, combine a trip to visit our friends with that.

1 comment:

  1. I brought some lavender tea back from Norfolk Lavender and it is so relaxing. I was going to make my own but my lavender is not so good this year. I haven't even made my own bible cover yet let alone 40!
