Sunday, June 15, 2014

Weekend Wander

It was dull and rained all week, some days it deluged.  It's been a busy week but we're making progress.  Yesterday I took my first hot shower in six weeks in my own bathroom, Friday they installed the new gas hot water heater.  The furnace which is a totally separate entity now will be installed some time in August, before the old furnace did double duty.  I must take a photo of the old furnace before they take it out, it's huge.  This week they suck out the whole tank of oil that the oil company should not have delivered and then the old oil tank is removed from the basement, that will give us a whole extra corner of space in the basement.

I'm still marvelling over my lovely new window pane, the old one looked like a giant rectangular petri dish, like a mad scientist working on mould cultures, for some crazy discovery.

Yesterday the Boy had my car all day as he worked double shift, all next week he will not work.  This morning his dad took him down to Philly to catch the Greyhound Bus to Ithaca, which will take him about six hours, he'll be back Wednesday and then Thursday we leave for Wilkes Barre, PA where we will be staying with friends for a convention, so it's all go.

Yesterday I sat and finished my crochet skirt, even crocheting a tie to thread through the waist holes to pull it in, still have to try it on and take pics I am pretty happy with it though, of course it's summer now, but will be ready for next winter.  If I really like it I might have a go at making some more, think of all those delicious yarn colours out there.  Actually I had half a line of crochet left when I ran out of yarn and it was touch and go if I would find the exact colour match to finish it off, but I did, it was not on the same shelf in the store, but eventually I found it, so happy.  Also Patons Pirouette yarn was on sale, the yarn I used for the shawl, well it was on clearance, so the cheapest it has ever been.

So then I moved on to crocheting Japanese flowers, while watching To The Lighthouse and Mrs Dalloway's Party, I must have been in a Virginia Woolf mood.  I so much more understand her writing now than I did reading these books as a youth.

With all this rain the garden is really coming along, although now we need some sun for the veg to grow.  I'm not going to complain though as the temperature beats our usual 100 f and 100% humidity.

So here is a look around my garden.

My roses before all the rain got to them.

I am enjoying all the hard work I did last autumn in making these raised gardening beds.

This was where my large rosemary bush sat for many years, but died this winter, so now it hosts a number of herbs, rosemary, cilantro, lemon sage; which I love, basil, my sage bush made it.

Looking through the leaves of my aubergine plant.

I'm excited because this year I should get my first crop of blackberries off this bush, I'm looking forward to apple and blackberry crumble.

I want to make more wine this year, using the grapes.  My last batch several years ago was very dry, too much for me, those grapes just ate all the sugar up.  I have some old English recipes several of which I've tried before and they are more to my liking, but I shall incorporate the grapes in them.

This little planter came home with me from England on the plane, it's amazing what you can pack.  That was in the years of two suitcases, now it's down to one.

So much pollen in the air which you can see on this velvety petunia.

Must mention this rose bush, I bought it because it reminded me of my childhood, we had one just like this that rambled all over.

Planted two more pairs of boots with cats and kittens, they make it through the winters amazingly well.  Mr. B.'s boots down through the years.

 My lovely fuchsia.

Climbing hydrangea, which says to me, "thank you for moving me after letting me languish in an incorrect growing environment for five years"  it loves it here.

My butterfly bush cut right back after dying, but it is putting out new shoots.

This little tree seeded itself where we usually get our winter wood delivery dropped, so Mr B. dug it out, a tiny little seedling and I planted it here and it's happy.

Wow!  It has been a busy week.  The sun is out it should be a lovely Sunday, hope yours is too.


P.S.  Thank you to all those who visited my new Lil Bit Brit Lit on WordPress and left a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your hot water is back. Your garden is beautiful and I like the raised beds. I have 3 for vegetables and they seem to do much better in them.
