Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chilling Out Weekend

Chilling out, what do you like to do to chill out?  Work has been very intense for the last fortnight, the type of workload, that when you come home you feel that your brain has been fried.  To wind down I might just pop in the Thrift, it's on my beaten track home from work, so can take a quick look around, here are a few of my finds.

A teacloth embroidered with Mont St Michel, this is such a nice one, brand new, I personally love to take interesting tea cloths on picnics, to lay things out on or cover my basket.  This is the second item I have found in the Thrift from Mont St. Michel. The other item was a china spoon rest. Mont St. Michel of course is in Normandy, an island with what was originally a monastery on it and church.  I have never visited, although would love to.  The sister is Saint Michael's Mount in Cornwall, which I have visited several times.  There is a causeway of giant stone which you walk across to the island when the tide is out.  The legend is that a giant dropped them out of her apron.  When the tide is in the causeway is covered.

Historically, St Michael's Mount was a Cornish counterpart of Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, France (which shares the same tidal island characteristics and the same conical shape), when it was given to the Benedictines, religious order of Mont Saint-Michel, by Edward the Confessor in the 11th century.

A little piece of embroidery, at first i though they were rabbits, but now I don't think so, maybe dogs, I'm not sure, delicate work.

And a book, yes I know do I need another one?  Something I have long wanted to get into, keeping a memory journal, I keep an on going diary, and tuck mementos in the back pocket, but keeping a memory journal would be more creatively satisfying, maybe of a holiday.

This is what The Boy likes to do to chill out, here he is working on his dad's bike.  He's learned a lot about bike repair and is good at it.  So I sat with him and he was explaining what was wrong with it and then he said, I miss  Florida and would like to go back.  We both agree that we would indeed like to do it again, only just concentrate on the Panhandle area along the Gulf Coast, plus some of the beautiful parks with Springs, in that area.

I like to chill out with a nice glass of wine and a good book.  When I go to the Thrift I look for wine glasses that are truly different and this fit that criteria.

The Daring Ladies of Lowell, set in Lowell, MA in the 1830's, it's a story about the girls who worked in the cotton mills.

Tuppy chills out like this.

Tink contemplating life.  Her favourite spot is behind that black trellis to the right, her back against the wall, tucked in there with the sun on her, and her back covered, she feels cozy and safe, and sleeps deeply.

That's chilling out and winding down for us.


1 comment:

  1. Your thrift finds are interesting. Could the embroidery be lambs? Making a memory book is my project for next winter. I picked up a leaflet about it from Hobby craft and have been collecting interesting paper. Cats are experts at chilling out. Its funny we all have our own ways of relaxing. Mine is sitting in the sun with a cup of tea watching the bees or indoors with the radio on and a good book or crossword puzzle.
