Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Love of Hosta

I love hosta, there are about 50 to 70 species, but the number of varieties from these runs into the thousands.  Above is my Winter Snow.

Here is my Twilight I have also planted George Smith on my Simla Patio, Paul's Glory by my Oak Patio and Winter Snow by my garage door.  I saw one variety called Mouse Ears, it's a tiny curled leaf variety, the one I saw was at an expensive nursery so did not buy it, but will keep it in mind, love that name.

Hosta seem to do well in my gardens, I have them in pots too, they come through our winters very well even in the pots.  I love them because they are a perennial, and have those wonderful leaves all summer, along with a flower later on in summer.  Such a lovely backdrop in a garden.

Isn't this the prettiest little columbine?  I do love them so dotted throughout my gardens in various forms.

A little iris.

My new hydrangea.

Zarzamora Blackberry, Zarzamora is the name of this blackberry, but actually is the Spanish word for blackberry.  I should have fruit this year, I think this is the second summer.

I just planted this Heritage Everbearing Raspberry which is a favorite for its flavor, firmness, and large fruit size. This bush has two harvest seasons with a moderate yield in July and heavy yield in September until frost. Self-pollinating, dark red raspberry that spreads fast and produces a crop in the first year. Extra-sweet, juicy fruit that is good fresh, canned or frozen. A hardy plant doing well in the cold climates where other raspberry may not grow. Self supporting. 5' to 6' tall.

I planted this down from my blackberry, but then I read you should not plant blackberries and raspberries within ten feet of each other, so I will have to look into that.

One of my grape vines.

Cherry tree, although the birds seem to get to the fruit before I do.

Just a view things going on in my garden.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see new growth in the spring. Your plants look very healthy.
