Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Poured with rain all day so had to run around when I got home picking the poor daffodils that were bludgeoned down into the dirt, thus several displays of daffs around the house.  Rinsed them off, many were covered in splattered earth.  The broken ones I cut the stems off and put them in my short vase.

I was up in NYC two weeks ago and I am up there again this week for training.  It makes for a long day, but since I’m going up on my own I will not have to race along the sidewalks at double time to keep up with the men, thank goodness.

I think we’re going to the Tick Tock Diner for lunch, always fun to eat at new places.  If I feel like it maybe I’ll take a little time afterwards and walk up to Central Park, I’ll think about that one.

Life seems to have been filling out online forms recently, what with student info for Robs College, Obama Health care and Tax Season, I am a bit formed out, do you know the feeling?  I’m sure you do.

We have had a few nice days, but today was bucketing rain, tomorrow though should be sunny and 50 f, I do hope sunny though because the last two times I went up to NYC it rained.  Will take my crochet on the train again as I did last time, I do find that relaxing working on the Japanese flowers.

Last week I took my lunch hour at the park hoping to see signs of spring buds, but they were all very tightly curled, nothing seems to want to come out in the weather that we have been having.



  1. The daffodils are lovely. Ours have been over for ages along with the tulips out front although still some in the back garden. Sad you haven't got the blossom yet as it is glorious here but perhaps too early. I know what you mean about the forms but thankfully I rarely have them now. I will think of you in New York and hope you get to Central Park. I have to go back to NY so I can see it as well.

    1. I did get to walk up to Cental Park. Do come over again and we will walk it together.
