Monday, March 17, 2014

Weekend to Weekend Retrospect

I am keeping my snowy banner until winter has truly ended and it isn't yet. This morning we woke up to three inches of snow. Wednesday into Thursday last week the temperature almost hit seventy and then plummeted down to 20 F.  Winds came in and just blew that warm weather right out.  I was woken at about 3:00 AM on Thursday morning to hear my giant wind chimes incessantly chiming at a manic pace.  When I got home Thursday evening the road was cordoned off, the repair men were trying to straighten a telephone wire pole at the end of our property, they braced it either side, but it is still leaning at a crazy angle, I wonder if they'll be back.  One has to be care full as my neighbours big tree fell on my car, on a gusty windy day, while I was driving past.  The policeman said I was fortunate not to be killed, and that's a whole story in itself which I will not go into.  So must remember to keep an eye on that pole.

Mr B. and I went to IKEA last Sunday week it was mobbed.  Did find what we wanted a Continental quilt cover for The Boy's new quilt.  I have two quilt covers but both are from years ago and it seems that the new Continental quilts are larger.  I told The Boy to order it and I would pay for it.  He wanted down, but somehow was mislead by smart wording and had actually ordered a synthetic one, but really nice quality, with a lot of good reviews.  In the end we decided to keep it and he likes it so that's good.  I was actually looking into the wool quilts as well, which appeals to me, but most of those ship out of Australia.

Now I know where to go for under sheets only.  You can always come up with nice top sheets in the thrift, but never the under sheet as they wear out more quickly and it's hard to find just an under sheet, but IKEA is the place to go.  So when we bought The Boy's set, cover and matching pillow case, we were able to buy a single under sheet to go with it.

Saturday week I met with a friend at her house, to go over our plans, I'll let you know what that is, in a future post, but it's exciting.  We sat and talked and had breakfast together, so nice hardly ever or never get to do that.

Last week Mr. B.  took off work to do a friends job for him, while Wilf and Rose went on vacation. So we took advantage of Mr. B. not working the weekend and went out last Saturday to lunch.  I treated him to the best Maryland Crab sandwich in the area, plus chocolate mouse cake for desert.  The sun was out and we had a lovely time together.

Before we went out last Saturday The Boy took these photos of his mum and dad.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely happy pics of you and Mr B and your lunch sounds delicious. Yes Ikea handy for lots of things so glad you got what you wanted there. Not more snow! Been lovely here with the sound of mowers in the air but supposed to change this week.
