Thursday, March 27, 2014

Six Year Blogging Anniversary

It suddenly came to me that around this time of year is a Blogging Anniversary for me, my first post was March 27th 2008 that makes six years.  And I'm going for a record, the record is the least amount of followers that a person can have following in a six year period.  I have a grand total of thirty followers. It's a good job I just keep this blog for my fun and a few far flung friends who follow, because it is certainly making no statement in cyberspace.  I decided to take that feature off my Blog and now it cannot be returned without working on code, because Blogger no longer lets you do so, you have to add circles now.

So, why do people Blog?  I know when I started it was like opening the cookie jar, seeing into the lives of people in other parts of the world and how they lived, what made them happy in life.  Sharing their artistic creations and hopes.

The first Blog I ever followed was Tiny Happy and at that time Melissa lived in Norway.  I was wowed by peeking into a whole different life style.  I love to travel, but this was traveling via my laptop.

Many in those years have moved on to big things, some have fallen by the wayside, and others like me, or unlike me just plod on because it's their little space in the world of expression.

So this is how I feel about my Blog

Take care dear folk.



  1. Congratualtions on the milestone Christie - it's no mean feat considering all the other ways of keeping in touch and talking about your day on the web.
    I bet you have lots of 'silent' followers' - me for instance lol I follow through bloglovin but I also have you listed on my blogroll,
    Heres to your next six years!!
    Take care

  2. Well done. Maybe I'll get mine off the ground sometime! I enjoy your blog especially your great photos so I feel I've been traveling with you.
