Saturday, January 4, 2014

Snow Day At The Farm Park

Last night was 8 degrees Fahrenheit, pretty cold.  We have the old cast iron radiators, steam heat and the central heating has been on.  The pipes have been clanking as they haven't been this hot for a while, heating the house mostly from the wood stove.

We bundled up as you can see above and took advantage of our day off work and went to the park, just such a glorious but bitter cold day.  I will share with you our walk by Stony Creek.

Fortified with hot coffee and raisin oatmeal cookies, Mr. B. had chocolate chip of course.

This is one of a favourite seats in the park by the creek.  Most of the seats are donated and are given in remembrance of a family member.  There is always a wreath here every winter season, usually on the seat, but this time on the tree behind.

The boy went sledding.  Here he is wearing a jacket that was his father's from the early eighties, he just loves it and even sprang to have the tailor put in a new zip.  It's muted shades of green, pink and orange.  He was very afraid that the tailor would put in the wrong colour zip.  In the end he went with green, pretty bright, but the right shade.  I said to Rob is will fade.  All things come around again, even a thirty year old jacket.

I'm going to listen to BBC Radio 4 and watch Tales From The Green Valley on You Tube set on a Welsh Farm circa 1600s, just so interesting.  Do more work on my Oilily Jumper, the gusset is almost finished it just needs sewing up and then I want to crochet on edging around the bottom.


P.S.  One New Year's Resolution:

Host a Garden Tea Party, I'm thinking in May, when the roses are out and the garden hasn't been dried out by the heat.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your walk and beautiful pictures. Glad you all had fun together. The jacket looked good on Rob.
