Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Flu and Fluff

I am home with flu achy and feeling pretty bad.  It started Monday night with coughing, then coughing all day at work on Tuesday, home and straight to bed with a hot water bottle.  Mr. B.  served me soup and toast, what else, and of course a cup of tea. Today well Mr. B. lit the fire so I decided to come down instead of spending the day in bed, sometimes you feel worse doing that.  So I can just about lift my fingers to the keyboard girls.

The Boy got off to College, today he can use my car instead of catching the bus.  Mum can I borrow an apron for Pottery?  Yes. take the one in the kitchen, it's pretty old and will look even worse after Pottery class.  I'm so glad he got a scholarship, because I would wonder why I was spending my hard earned money on Pottery classes.  Not that I'm against the arts because I am not, in fact we saw some wonderful pieces at the Met, so inspiring.  In this world of money and commercialism I think that the arts are even more important, it's what feeds our inner soul.  Who's going to go to the Met and look at anything Bernard Madoff aspired to, not one.

Here are a few odd bods over the past month that I've never got to show you.  I could not resist the above items in the clearance section at T.J. Maxx.  Real English Toffee with a little hammer no less.  Does anyone remember the old sweet shops of one's childhood, circa 1950?  Where they actually put the toffee out on a marble slab and smashed a piece off for you.

I am calling this my Medici Necklace,  I don't think the Medici's were too nice a family, I think they poisoned a lot of people,  but somehow the name appealed to what I think is the Italian Renaissance aesthetic in this necklace. I made this up last week from some old beads I had. The coloured beads remind me of marbleized end papers in old leather books sitting in the archives of Florence, and the black reminds me of the legs of old Italian tables inlaid with Marble.  The other name I thought of was Florentian, but that's maybe a little long winded.

The Eiffel Tower scissors I saw in someones photo on Blogland and looked on Ebay for a pair.  I will enjoy them sitting in my needlework basket.

I have long been looking at this book in Joann Fabrics and eventually having a good coupon, decided to get it. This book is by the talented Bag Maker Lisa of U Handbag  her website is great with many tutorials.

Probably the one bag design and pattern I love the most is the school satchel, made in fabric, even butting the edges to look like the thickness of ones old leather school bag.

This backpack/rucksack would be great for a trip.  The Boy is looking to buy a backpack for school.  He just missed an English Chapman rucksack on Ebay, just this morning, outbid by one dollar.  Still he is looking on Etsy and has his sights on a couple of bags there.  He has used the messenger bag we bought in Spain, all this while, that has to be six or seven years, throughout High School and College.

I like the way that the pages are edged in the same pattern as the fabric on the bags, I didn't notice that until I went to take photos.

My talented friend Candyce made these beautiful cards for me.  Card making is a talent, I have tried and do not have it, Candyce does, here she is on Pinterest.  Also some little gifts were this stack of books, one is The Squire by Enid Bagnold and the other is Lucy Carmichael; which I plan to start on today.  See here Fleur's review

Last but not least a little American 1950s yarn holder, I love the little kittens on top.

The yarn threads out of the top or the side.

So that's my day Flu and Fluff, I keep typing Flu and Flugg, "Flugg"  should be a new word, because that is how I feel.

Take care hope all are well.



  1. Sorry you are poorly. I enjoyed seeing all your interesting finds. I didn't know you could still get toffee with the little hammers. The cards are lovely. I will look in superdrug tomorrow for bargains as it is reported they are selling lots of stuff for 10p. Also annuals in Argos for 75p. Hope you are well soon.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Might be a nice time to start Lucy Carmichael. Glad you like the cards and Jean thank you!
