Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow Day At Home

I started out for work this morning, slid down one hill and decided that since it is meant to snow all day and I didn't want an accident, the better side of prudence would be to turn around and go home, which I did.

In any case I haven't been feeling so well taking of time to go to the doctor yesterday, so probably a day at home will do me good.  In fact no work for Mr B today and no college for Rob, so we are all at home.

I walked into the Simla Room, which we do not heat unless we're in there using the room, and I was surprised to see that my passion flower plant was putting out a bloom, how lovely is that in the depth of winter.  I'm trying to baby it through until next spring and it will go outside again.

Our snowy garden

Good fire going.

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday I made these pins.

The broach above uses the hand made Braintree silk, but while making it, it flew out of my hand into a cup of tea that was sitting on the floor, what are the odds of that?  I dashed it out to the kitchen and ran it under the tap, then dried it with a paper towel, and left it to sit and totally dry off.  In the centre is an old rhinestone button.

A little embroidery on felted wool.

Purple crystals in the centre and amethyst on the three corners.

These two broaches I made a while ago, but can't remember if I photoed them or not.

Here is my bonsai lemon tree, looking worse for spending a draught spell in the basement, which I mentioned previously, but I think in spring it will revive, I'm hoping so.  The moss did not dry out, and the trunk is green, both good signs I think.

At the moment I'm crocheting a gusset in an Oilily jumper to make it larger.

Will show pics later.

Listening to the autobiography of Nelson Mandela on the BBC.

Lovely to have a day at home.

Hope your day is good.



  1. I was thinking about you today and wondering if you were home. So glad you have a cosy day off. Your snow pictures are beautiful and the brooches lovely.

  2. Hope you are feeling better and you all enjoyed your day at home together. Your broaches are beautiful. No snow here yet but frost and had to scrape ice off the car.
