Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Patons, Pirouette Shawl, with Bibs and Bobs.

Yesterday I was let out of work early, after a pizza lunch in the conference room.  Do you remember that feeling when you were a child let out of school, you would skip and run and jump, well that was me.  It's positively decadent to get a day and a half off mid week.  Free time.  So on the way home I thought that I would stop off at the craft shop.

Here is a shawl that I have been crocheting with the fishnet yarn.  I had to start it several times over to figure out the pattern which I could not understand, but after doing a little Googling I found another pattern which had more photos and better directions.  It's very lacy, and would have to be worn I think with something quite plain to set it off, but I think it's lovely.

I didn't go out to buy the same colour yarn as the pattern I had it already.  Patons Pirouette.

Here I have the yarn wrapped around a loo roll, with a stitch holder to hold it in place, that works well.

This is another scarf I just need to cast off, more of a spring colour I think.  The color reminds me of sherbet.  Made from Starbella yarn. 

And this Starbella Luxe yarn how delicious is this.  I have not been to the craft shop for several weeks and they had all sorts of new yarns like this in, they now even have a summer lace that you could make a ruffled scarf out of.  But when I saw this with the soft edging, no less than Alpaca, I said YES.  Isn't it scrumptious?

Then I was almost out of the door when my eye caught this tartan flannel 50% off and I still had another coupon for 20% off that, so bought one yard, I thought it would make a lovely lining edging fabric on a winter hat or mitts, or even a bag.

The flowers are a few days old now, but girls do love their flowers, a little surprise from Mr. B.

35% off at the thrift on Monday so I couldn't resist this, 100% Belgian Linen and hand embroidered in Portugal, place setting and serviette set. These are the type of things I looked at in Portugal and the Azores and decided they were too much money, but as I've said before all things appear in the thrift shop eventually.

Something I've wanted for a while, a little cutting board and place to iron, just small, but my house is small, so things like this must be small.

Mr B. is cooking up a storm in the kitchen, peanut butter cookies, he even stamped them Thomas the Tank Engine, just on a whim, I must have bought that cutter when Rob was a little boy, and chocolate cream pie.

The fire is going, I'm crocheting my shawl and I think I've found a good movie on Netflix based on a book by Elizabeth Taylor of Persephone Books fame.

Time is flying too quickly, nice to be home, hope your day with family and friends is lovely too.


1 comment:

  1. The colours of the yarn are beautiful and I love the shawl. Your thrift bargains are always good and interesting. My mouth is watering at the thought of Mr B's cooking. What a lovely cozy day you had.
