Friday, November 1, 2013

Cheese Le Chevrot, Comte and Zamorano

My second lot of cheeses came from my cheese of the month club.  A French Le Chevrot from the Loire River Valley in France.  A goat's milk cheese handmade near the province of Poitou, bordering on the Loire Valley to the southwest.  At first Mr B tried a piece and did not like it, and I wasn't sure if I did either.  But I must say the taste has totally grown on me and especially on a nice cracker.

Comte also a French cheese but from a totally different region, the Jura Mountains bordering Switzerland, the taste did remind me a little of Swiss cheeses. These dairy cows graze on the high pastures of the mountain plateaus.  It says that professional tasters can taste over 200 aromatic components in Comte.  My taste buds must not be so refined.  A nice tasting cheese.

Third and I think my favourite out of the three was a cheese from Spain, Zamorano.  From the province of Zamoran just over the Pyrenees from France.  It is made from the milk of Castilian and Churra breeds of sheep native to this province.  Mr B. liked this cheese best too.  He said our taste must be more peasant, than the aristocratic tastes of the Loire region.  Speak for yourself dear, we all have a little aristocracy in us.

Left the Comte, top the Zamorano and the round one obviously is the Le Chevrot.

I do enjoy my cheeses with a nice glass of my homemade wine.


1 comment:

  1. I love goats cheese but expensive here unless you keep goats. Good to taste different cheeses.
