Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall and Friends

Fall is a beautiful time of year here in Pennsylvania, in fact it's my favourite time of year, except for the fact the I am allergic to ragweed which starts about the beginning of September just when the lovely weather kicks in and does not end until the first frost.  My eyes seem to have been especially bad this year, probably a combination of allergies and all day work on the computer, but there you are that's life.  One day there will be a lovely frost and it will be gone, then we will get an Indian Summer, joy of joys.

I use the words Fall and Autumn intermittently as I think in both English English and American English.

My friend Jean has been visiting from England and we have totally exhausted ourselves with a whirlwind of site seeing, NYC New York City being the most exhausting and therefore the next day we had to cancel any activities because we were just plain pooped.

I have lots of photos to download and stories to go with them.  Thursday was Doylestown and the Moravian Tile Works, plus a visit to New Hope and some great French Onion soup.  Friday was a day in the Amish Country and Saturday was NYC so no Sunday in Cape May; which I really wanted to do, but our bodies told us no, plus I had to go back to work on Monday.

Litlle Tink is almost totally better, I am so happy, and will post some photos of how tilted to one side she was, what a peculiar decease Vestibular is.

I am so happy with all the work I did on the garden, before my friends came, so worth it and now I am ahead of things for the Fall, for once in my life.  I am looking forward to raised bed gardening next spring, maybe even now with a quick winter planting.

My friend Jean told me about a great Blog in the UK named A Girl Called Jack here

It seems she was a single mum with a little boy and only ten pounds a week for food, which is not more than about $17.00, she came up with great tasting simple off the shelf meals, not all this high folutin stuff, where every other ingredient is an expensive trip to the super market.  A great resource for inexpensive meal ideas, we've managed on as low as $45.00 per week for three adults for several years, but I have noticed that recently it has crept up considerably, so maybe these food recipes will help us pull it back on track again.

She is soon to release a book of one hundred of her recipes.

Well no pics in this post, some to follow.



  1. Hope the allergy goes soon. I so enjoyed our time together and it was delightful to sit in your beautiful garden.

  2. Please give my love to Jean. I wish we could have gotten together.
    I love fall too. Remember when we went to the tea shop? It was my very first blog post.
