Monday, September 23, 2013

My Armchair By The Window A Busy WeeK

This week will be busy.  Tomorrow the Pair of Jeans arrive from England.  My friend Graham is picking them up from the airport in Philly and then on Wednesday they will be coming over to stay with me until the following Monday, then back to Graham's.

Have some things planned, to visit the Amish County, New York City, possibly the shore Cape May, and local things in between.

So I have been busy doing all those things you like to get done before guests come.  Cleaning up the garden and getting some of my raised vegetable beds made, although maybe that is not included in the usual things you get done before guests come, but I was eager to get going on them.  I have three made and four to go.  I bought some mums which are so colourful this time of year.  Most things are dying off in the garden now, but the Japanese Maples always turn a beautiful colour, they are no there yet.

Cleaning of the Boys bedroom while he was away,  sorry dear cleaning does involve moving things, such as stacks of paperwork, CDs and wires.

Routing around in the linen cupboard and finding all sorts of things which were neatly jammed in the back, if I only had more room, but 1920s houses were not built with big cupboards or closets.

On a worrying note Tinkerbell I think has Vestibular disease.  Her head is cocked to one side all the time and she keeps falling that way and staggering.  There is not much you can do for it, so hopefully she will recover from it, or recover some what, we wait and see.  But she is still her loving self, purring and wanting to be with you, eating and drinking which is good.

We first noticed it last night when Rob came home, she jumped down off the sofa behind my head and went over to the other sofa to greet and sit with Rob, then we both noticed that her head was to one side.  She was fine earlier in the evening, it's something that can come on very suddenly and I read online, predominantly more in the NE USA in autumn, but no explanation as to why more prevalent then, just thrown out there.  She is getting older and is a dear little being.

I moved my passion flower plant.  It was producing lots of greenery, but no flowers, then it came to me that it was probably not getting enough sun and sure enough after I moved it to near the back door, it has not stopped flowering since.  So now I can pop my head out and see it and it's a happy passionate little plant.

Just wanted to catch the view from my new seating area by the window.  Here are my asters, not quite as nice now as I took this photo well over a week ago.  At least I caught them before their end.


P.S.  I'm drinking at work, India black tea with berry and rose, organic, I can smell the rose umh!

Thank you Candyce.

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