Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week And Weekend

Dear Folk, how was your week and weekend?

My week at work was very busy and hectic, but one bright spot was that I won two prizes in the Utterly Orange contest.  This is where you enter current topics as suggestions for the company's blog.  You can enter one per week, the drawing is twice a year.

What did I win?  A pound and a half of cheese every other month for one year. Maybe I'll get to try some really different cheeses, I love cheese. Along with a bean bag seat. What do I do with a beanbag seat?  I said to one of our vendors, "I will get some crackers and a bottle of wine along with my cheese and sit on my bean bag chair."  It made her laugh, it was that kind of week.  She said "but will you be able to get out of it?"

Some cleome from my garden, well actually these were growing up between the flagstones on my patio.  Usually I pull them up when little and replant them, but being so busy this year just never got to it.  So Mr. B. cut them off and then pulled out the root, they seed themselves every year.

Cutting them for the vase they have little barbs and a stickiness to the stems, that does not come off your hands with washing.

I think they look good in my pink vase.

Because they seed themselves, I think I may have two hybrid varieties, note the leaves growing out of the stem of the top cleome and then look at the leaves of the bottom cleome, they are different.

I have had some lovely gladioli growing in my garden, but have hardly got there to take photos before the rain pulverizes them.  Philly has had record rainfall this July.

Here are some of my tomatoes, looking lovely.  Tonight we're making a very simple Tuscan tomato sauce, all the tomatoes, basil leaves and garlic are from my garden, served over spaghetti, with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.

My beetroots, I need to start digging these up.

This hydrangea used to be one bush, which I dug up and split into two bushes, that I planted side by side.  Look the one is coming up pink and the other blue.  I always think this is amazing the colour difference you can get in hydrangea, even in the same bush.

Some thrifted jewelry, earrings one dollar a pair.  What era do you think the clear ones are?  I just love what I think is a Deco look.

The broach is inlaid silver from Xapaca, Mexico.  It can also be worn as a pendant.

A blue glass to have my wine in.

And I did wonder what I would do with a beanbag seat, but just happened to get out my Cath Kidston In Print book and there right at the beginning was a covered beanbag.  That's an idea, gives it a totally different look.  Instead of student dorm look.

My gladioli a little past their best, always love to have flower arrangement in the house.

My little favourite vase with a few odd blooms.

Through out the coming year I am going to try a new bottle of wine along with each new cheese, I think that's doable every other month, little something to look forward to.  So maybe a wine to match each season, I'll have to do some research on that.

How was your week and weekend, a little up a little down, a bit of this and a bit of that?  That's life.


1 comment:

  1. Well done on your prizes. As usual your flower arrangements are beautiful. Your tomatoes are doing well. I have loads but only one turned red so far. It has been such a late season this year but I have started eating the beetroot and also getting lots of runner beans amongst other things. Your thrift finds are always excellent. My weekend passed as usual in a blur but I did a lot of gardening which was good.
