Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Day

Today is rainy and cool, a layed back day, we all need that now and then don't we?

Yesterday was good,  service in the morning, then stopped by my friends yard sale just to say Hi!

Met up with two girlfriends and went to lunch at a delightful Thai restaurant down the street.  I just had lemon grass soup, refreshing.  Next door is a hand made chocolate shop we were going to buy one lovely candy each for desert, a turtle but the lady there gave us one each as a sample, that was so nice, pecan nuts and chewy caramel with chocolate, yummy.

Dottie was craving a coffee, I had already bought one in the morning while out, so opted for a chai latte, hit the spot.  We grouped three leather armchairs and chatted, that was nice, although a nearby older gentlemen I think  mistook Starbuck's for the library, no I do not think there is a silence code at Starbuck's.

Back to Dottie's for movie watching.  Hitchcock biography of Tippi Hedren and his abuse of her, Wow! not so sure I'll view those movies the same, The Bird's and Marnie.  The movies are good but Hitchcock um!

Onto another movie The Tourist, that's a good movie, all the time sipping wine, cheese and crackers, fruit and chocolate, yes just one of those special times with friends that you wish you had more of.

Hope all you dear folk had a great weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Yes good to chill out sometimes. Glad you enjoyed your time with friends. My weekend was hectic - a wedding and a Congregation party - fun though.
