Monday, April 15, 2013

The Studio

This is what I call The Studio, grand name for a small room.  It gets closed off in the winter as we heat the house with the wood stove, so it becomes a little bit of a dumping ground, but I was feeling energetic, so had a little spring clean.

The water colour painting far upper right, I found on Ebay it's entitled Carpenter's Brook above New Hope, by Hildegard M. Edwards 1947.  I bought it because I thought it was of New Hope, PA, but it turned out to be Carpenters Brook, New York State, not far from Carpenter's Falls, in the Finger Lake area.  At the Creamery Museum in Skaneatles they have some of her other paintings and when we were in the area we went to see them.  Not all of them were displayed but they took us upstairs in the attic area to show us what she had painted.  So was interesting to know a little of the history of this water colour.

It gets wonderful light in this room, so I've been enjoying it in the early morning listening to the dawn chorus and then in the evening.

This is one of the original IKEA Poem chairs.  I noticed that the newer ones are not as wide as this chair.  It also has a footstool that matches, but it makes it a little tight in this room to use it.

My latest reading from the library.  On a rug bought at Edinburgh Castle, it's the Gordon tartan, one of our family names. I really did like the Princess Di tartan, but stuck with family tradition.

I found the widow's mite, yes the long lamented attachment to my vacuum cleaner that went missing well over a year ago turned up.  I decided to move these shelves, and there it was.  I can tell you there was much rejoicing, as every time I used that cleaner I thought, if only I had that attachment.

And after all that rearranging and moving of the shelves, I decided they looked best were they were.  So at least some good came of all that work.

Some of Rob's artwork from High School.

One of my favourite thrift finds, the Roadrunner, with tree moss from Alaska.

The Tink on her very favourite chair. and she tells you that she's happy to be there, as she's only allowed in there when with someone and she knows that it's special, and animals can't talk.

The chair above was a $5.00 yard sale find, it was one of two, the other one was slightly broken, but I think it could easily have been repaired.  We just got this one, the coyote, the other was a rabbit.  You can't see it all in this photo. There's something special about this chair that we both enjoy.

I don't know about you but I love to have little different areas to sit and meditate and just have quiet time, so this is one of them.


1 comment:

  1. Your studio is very interesting and good to sit in quietly. Your rooms are so big compared to my little house. I used to sit in my little spare room as it gets lots of sun but it is a store room for a friend's furniture at the moment. You have given me ideas for when it is empty again.
