Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Spring Garden

Oh!  The joys of ones hands in the soil, why does that feel so good?  I would get a pedicure, not that I ever have but I would like one, but a manicure would be totally lost on me, it wouldn't last any time at all.  I know many call the above cowslips, but I always knew them as peggles, but when I looked it up I couldn't find that name but it must have been a colloquial name.

 I always wish for more blooms in my garden, but I'm happy with what I do have.

When my friends mum sold her house a while ago now, and it was bought by a business, she said come and take what ever you want, plant wise from the garden and this is where most of my primulas came from.

One lonely tulip, I really must plant more.

This is a blooming shrub, can't remember what it's called.

Celandines are everywhere.  When I come past the old mill from work, the woods are carpeted with them near the creek.  These are a few in my garden.

Some seed planting and a new little plastic green house, as our spring is prooving to be quite cool.

 My cherry tree.

And a little violet, that grow where they think.

My little joyful patch.


P.S.  I did plant my raspberry bush, or should I say stick.  We'll see what happens there.  I planted two before and they did nothing.

P.P.S.  Still have to share my news in reference to The Boy and I

1 comment:

  1. I was brought up to call cowslips peggles and was told it was the Essex name but that could extend to East Anglia. Yes it is lovely to see the spring flowers. A fellow gardener told me that she had read that handling soil is essential to our emotional well being. I agree with that. Could your bush be a quince?
