Monday, March 18, 2013

Martha Stewart Loom A Weekend To Weekend

The weather has been cold, rainy, sleeting some hail and not much of Spring in sight, so flowers are very much needed to lift ones spirits.  My loo roll seedlings are coming along and I do see that the daffs are trying, but it's to cold.

So two weekends ago Mr Bit Brit bought me a lovely bunch of flowers and I still have them.

As I mentioned I was in need of a little Springtime yellow, he also picked me a little bunch of flowers.

Which I put in a vase my grandma gave me many a year ago.  It's just right for those tiny delicate flowers, that hardly stand on their own.

Then I saw the sun very briefly and grabbed the camera.

I'll get you all excited by saying that I bought this Martha Stewart loom set.

As you can see here I'm also working on another fishnet ruffle scarf.  Only this time I am knitting it.  I was so fed up with using long knitting needles, that I took a pair of circular bamboo needles and cut the circular part and made them into two short knitting needles.  I know that's desecration, but you only cast on about six stitches for the ruffle scarf and it works for me.

I have a friend who wears a lot of those Autumn colours, so will give the scarf to her when it is finished.  They really are her colours. I hope she'll like it.

I started using the Martha Stewart Looms, and after much thought decided that the kit really did not have enough circular looms or options, which I think is a shame because the kit and the idea of the way it clicks together is really nice.

Another reason I decided to return it was because one peg on the circular loom kept coming out and I thought if that comes out every time I go around it will drive me crazy.

I found this lovely yarn on clearance reduced from $7.00 to $3.00 per ball, it's cuddly soft with 22% wool content and I always like some natural fibre in my yarn.

 Aren't these colours lovely?


So this is the much cheaper little circular loom that I bought.  It feels much more solid and more comfortable in my hand, and the pegs are rigid which means they will not become loose and come out.  I may buy another one in a larger size.

Will keep you posted on how this turns out.  I have in mind to make a scarf with a matching hat.

On a more sober note it was a very hard week and weekend for us to get through, especially for Rob.  The Memorial Service for Mike was on Saturday and the actual Funeral was today.

Rob cancelled quite a few classes at College and now has a lot to catch up, fortunately he is coming into Spring Break.  He just couldn't focus.  It's been very hard to wrap one's mind around, when someone dies so young.

Very hard for Rob.  As my husband and I discussed we never went through one of our friends dying when we were young.  And what pains your children, pains you.


1 comment:

  1. Yes its been bitterly cold here with a late spring. Plenty of snowdrops along a lane near here. I have a few mini daffs out in the garden plus wallflowers and hyacinths in a sheltered spot. We need colour. The wool is beautiful and am interested in the loom. Have been thinking of you all over the weekend and especially Rob.
