Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Sunday

The beastly Amending of the Taxes has been done, that was like a mountain in my mind.

This was my Sunday, some reading, some writing of letters using my new fine nib fountain pen and some Blogging.  Plus a little knitting on my loom.

I am enjoying reading The Winds of Heaven by Monica Dickens.  If you are in your fifties I think you will love this book.  Even though it is written in the fifties and the views are of those times, it is a great read, for a woman of a certain age.

Non of this, was poor, became rich, lives in high society, just a down to earth very real story.  A Persephone read, but mine again old shelving at the library, it had not been taken out for the last seven years.

I also rearranged my flowers, pulling out the dead ones and giving a bouquet of flowers a little extended life, isn't that what we all need?

And my little Shakespeare notebook is where I write my notes for my book reviews, I enjoy doing this.

Daffs in the garden just waiting to bloom, but it's been so cold and meant to snow again tomorrow, enough  Some years at this time we have been basking in eighty degree weather.

If Tuppy could only open that back door with the power of thought it would be swinging open off it's hinges, if only.

Hope you enjoyed your Sunday.



  1. Sounds like the ideal day especially with the fire in the background. We had about 3 inches of snow over the weekend and it flattened the poor daffodils. Some parts of UK have had several feet of snow and with the winds huge snow drifts. It is officially spring though.

  2. That sounds like a perfect day to me! I laughed out loud at your remark about the cat using the power of thought. Yes indeed, and so often they drive us so crazy that it works!
