Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gudren Sjoden Opens In Soho New York

Would you like to see a splash of colour and some older faces, well this is Gudren Sjoden and her line of clothing, take a look here Gudrun Sjoden

I just thought you might like to see some colour in the Northern hemisphere, it's been a very long gray winter, and I am so looking forward to spring.

Gudrun is a Swedish designer, but to me the colour is pure India and some of the styles too.  I would so love to visit India and see all those vibrant colours.

I like the way she layers so many of her clothes.

Just when I thought I was done with the dreaded word Taxes, no I am not.  It seems after a conversation with my son that I overstated his scholarship money and now I have to file amended taxes, but not until this one processes through.  Such is life.

I am so behind with writing up reviews on the books that I have read.  Here is the list:
  • ***** The Fortnight in September 
  • **** Reuben Sachs
  • **** Brook Evans
  • *** Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary
  • ***** The Village
  • ** Operation Heartbreak ( an older book read last year)
  • *** Heat Lightening (actually not of the 100 because it came out this year with Persephone, but a friend sent me an old version and I read it last year) 
All Persephone books.  I have to be ruthless with my ratings or else I'd rate them all five stars.  The Fortnight in September and The Village are definitely five stars and I rated Reuben Sachs and Brook Evans fours stars.  Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary three stars.  As you know I am reading and rating the first 100 Persephone books.  There will be 20 in each star category five stars to one star.  My I'm going to have to be really ruthless for the one star but I do have one.
  • * It's Hard To Be Hip Over Thirty
Just not my style of reading, very short, very hip in a sixties way, some funny parts, but not a compelling read.

This Spring and Summer I'm going in for Sunny colours, when I sort my old wardrobe out.  Well I could always throw around a few of those Indian cotton scarves.

Change of subject, I was reading Christine's post in Writing From Scotland - Not So Good Old Days about the WC being outside.  Yes our WC, toilet, loo or what ever you want to call it, was for the first thirteen years of my life, at the bottom of the garden.  We had an inside bathroom, and the room was huge, plenty big enough for an inside toilet but no, it was in a little lean to shed attached to another shed.  In the winter we had to keep a little paraffin stove in there to stop it from freezing over.

To go down there in the middle of the night was not fun, especially after I saw Disney's Sleeping Beauty.  The Queen in that film scared me to death, so mum always had to take me down and stand outside the door at night.

We had a nice little house, Rayburn in the kitchen, bedrooms were definitely cold, Jack Frost patterns on the windows in winter, but always had an electric blanket, so was always warm, but no central heating.  Yes we have moved on, but such memories.  So I could totally relate to Christine's post.


1 comment:

  1. When I first saw the picture I thought it was an Indian shop. I just love the bright colors. If I was brave enough (and in a hot country) I would wear my Indian clothes all the time. I couldn't get into "A fortnight in September". I had it from the library and somebody was waiting for it so it went back. Perhaps I'll try again sometime.
