Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting The New Year With Crochet and Colour

I have wanted to share some scarves that I have been crocheting.  When I was back in the UK my sister BB knitted me a lovely scarf with a little pom pom edging in shades of grey, white and black.  It's a special yarn, which came from Spain and I had not seen it over here in the States.

I was in Joanne Fabrics and I came across it.  There are three different makes there.  I have tried two of them.  The one most similar to the Spanish one is Patons Pirouette.  Unfortunately it's twice the price and half the length and really you need two to make a scarf.  The other two makes, are long enough for one scarf.

I phoned my sister and asked her how to knit it, but I just could not get the twisted look.  We laughed I'm all thumbs with knitting it looked like a ruff.  So I went on YouTube and found a way to crochet the scarf.  I prefer crochet to knitting and it's so easy.  You can also adjust the length of the scarf by the number of the stitches you crochet into it each time.

You can see the different lengths of the scarves the shortest one is the Patons and I will have to use another ball.  But the other two scarves are the same yarn Sashay but one is longer than the other because of the number of crochet stitches added in each time.

This type of yarn is call fishnet.  I like the Patons because it has the little sequins and the pom pom edging but not as large as the Spanish yarn.

I found a use for my Vera Bradley Poppy pattern pull case, for my crochet.  Just love this pattern; which may be discontinued now.

My mum gave me the Beamish mug which she bought there many years ago when we were camping up there altogether with mum and dad, my sister and her little boys, no Rob then. Filled with Chili Hot Chocolate and Mr. B made a delicious Chocolate Chip and Rum Cake.

Fortunately I turned it out before we had a power cut.  I was able to make the butter cream rum frosting in front of the fire by candle light and frosted the cake by torch light.  That was Sunday evening we lost the power for about two hours.

Well the new year is upon us and I am watching Camelot. 

I would like to share these thoughts with you as expressed at:

 John Chapter 15 Verse 11

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and your joy may be made full"


1 comment:

  1. Your sister gave me one of those scarves in brown tones and it goes so well with lots of my clothes. That yarn is getting popular here as it is on sale in lots of places also the scarves are in the expensive craft shops in the lake district. The cake looks delicious and the bag is beautiful. Not sure about chilli chocolate though.
