Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Karen Foster Design Cards Surprise From A Friend

These lovely cards came in the mail, a surprise from a friend.  I got to say thank you on the card with the paisley design, using my new fountain pen, with a lovely deep sea green ink, I actually mixed two pots of ink together.

Candyce and I both love our papers and pens, and lament that most stationery now seems over whelmingly to come out of China. Candyce herself does some wonderful cards, collage and stamped.  See the little card in the background, that's on the humble end of her card talent.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

McGlynns Pub Dover Delaware

Fun, fun, fun with my girl friends.

Had a lovely reunion.  Four of us girls who have known each other ever since I came to the States over thirty years ago drove down to meet with a friend who I've known almost as long, she was a young married mum when I met Vicky in Tennessee, who now lives in Maryland.

We met half way in Dover, DE.  Shared old times and photos, encouraged each other and heard of plans for new horizons.

Both Joni and Vicky have lost their husbands in death and have kept in touch building one another up.  Vicky is making the move to possibly extend her service in a foreign field, Belize.

McGlynns Pub was recommended to Vicky, was not at all what I expected on the outside.  It's a new building with offices above, looking over a lake, with the Pub at the bottom, but a lovely place to eat and the food was good.

And of course Vicky and I shared a sampler of locally brewed beers.  You can't go to a Pub without having a beer, at least a Brit can't.

Here's the group left to right, me, Vicky, Janice, Nancy and Joni.

What a lovely time we had together.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My New Fountain Pens

I love to write with a fountain pen.  I always did at school.  And when I was about thirteen I ran across turquoise ink, instead of the usual blue or black and thought this was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

So here I am just a few ah hum! years later and am just as happy as can be with two fountain pens I found on Ebay and not that expensive at all.

The marbleized aqua pen has a wide nib and the Eiffel Tower pen has a medium nib.  I just couldn't resist the Eiffel Tower one when I saw it, nostalgia and all that.

So now I'm off to write some letters.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today's High 24 Degrees F. Sorry Can't Think In C

Yes today the high will be 24f.  We used to get very cold spells for weeks on end but one never knows anymore.  Yes global warming is here though some like to stick their heads in a paper bag.  If you can now navigate A ship through the northern passage and polar bears are dying off at alarming rates, one might want to take these as signs.

Every morning I get a cup of tea in bed and if I get a good nights sleep then I'm awake to truly enjoy that, along with my iPad before the craziness of a day at work begins.

Tuppers also pays a visit every morning jumping on top of our old cast iron radiator and looking out of the window which continually has dirty nose prints on it.  She gets very excited with a birds eye view of the birds and squirrels.

Let the day begin.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Mini Cooper S with John Cooper Package

Today was a day off work, wonderful and of course I haven't done a thing that I said and thought I would do.  I have stolen time and just read all day, a rare treat for me now.  I sat in the Simla Room with the stove on and finished Reuben Sachs and started Brook Evans.  Both on the Persephone list and both from my local library.

I have wanted to introduce you to the boy's new ride, this is his new set of wheels. A Mini Cooper S with the John Cooper Package. Mum is coveting this, it brings back happy memories of youth.  Although this is far more upscale than the old Minis I used to ride around in.

Well needless to say it was most upsetting when his car was totaled fortunately he did not hurt himself and nobody else was involved.  But the whole thought of going out and looking for another second hand car was not a happy prospect.  I think the Boy took it better than his mother.

He had five different makes and models of cars on his hit list, this being one of them.  When I saw that the seller lived so close I urged Rob to go and look at it, which he did with his dad.

The seller was a man in his sixties totally into cars, already having a Porsche and a BMW.  He had ordered two Mini Cooper S the same colour when they first came out over here in 2002, he still had them both and was selling this one.

To this car he had added the John Cooper S package and a super brake package, both alone worth thousands.  The car had 122K on it and was in very nice condition.  So the Boy and his dad put a deposit on it and the Boy and his mum went back the following weekend and did all the sale transaction and paperwork at a Tag Transfer shop.  This took a whole lot longer than it should have done as it was run by a little old man who was forty years behind the times and did everything in a ledger and had no direct Internet to Harrisburg.

The Boy said I didn't get a piece of paper like this before to tape in the back window of the car, and I said that's because this time you were time warped forty years in the past.  We laughed about it and said he wouldn't forget buying his mini.

The seller had a complete three ring binder on the car.  Every manual and bill from the beginning, even a framed certificate for the John Cooper package.

To add icing to the cake the Boy's insurance company paid him a considerable amount more than he paid for the Ford and it was the exact amount of buying the Mini, how fortuitous was that?

Mum has her eye on it.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Three Friends Happier Times

A dear friend Emmy died the last day of last year.  Saturday afternoon I attended her Memorial Service.

Emmy is on the right, I am on the left and we are here to celebrate the end of chemo treatments for my friend  Candyce in the middle, date 2004.

Candyce's daughters invited friends to an Afternoon Tea we all so enjoyed this.

I was able to pick up and take another friend Joni to the Memorial Service, she has been unable to attend these since her husband died almost two years ago.

Afterwards we relived our youth again, going to the Country Club on Cottman Avenue.

When we were single we used to turn up at one in the morning and our staple order was Cheesecake.  So Joni had the idea to go and eat here, where we started off with open face Reuben sandwich and our usual.  I always used to have cherries on top of my cheesecake.

We chatted, cried and reminisced it was a good healing time spent together.

I don't know what the young waitress thought.


Job Chapter 14 verses 14 & 15

If an able-bodied man dies can he live again?
All the days of my compulsory service I shall wait.
Until my relief comes.
You will call, and I myself shall answer you.
For the work of your hands you will have a yearning.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Provincial Lady in Wartime, by E. M. Delafield, A Persephone Book

The Provincial Lady in Wartime is set at the beginning of WWII.  It is written in the form of a Journal or Diary, so has that stilted feel to sentence construction, the way one records events and little things in a diary. It's a record of a Provincial or maybe they should say Upper Class Provincial English lady of the era.

How will she comply to the blackout, making sure that all the windows are covered and not a chink is showing.  They must close a wing off, there's no need to keep it open with the children away at school.  The cook is protesting about the antiquated range she has to cook on, and aunt Blanche is going to descend on them from London as she can't possibly share a house with that impossible woman, who thinks she is thirty years younger and is helping in a canteen in London.

It is a witty account, of her endeavors to help in the war effort, travelling backwards and forwards from her house in Devon to London, working in the same canteen as aunt Blanche's friend.

I read this from the original American publication of this book and in the frontispiece it says events - that make up the life of an average British citizen in time of crisis ...  I beg to differ with this.  This book reflects the era it was written in, the type of person of a certain social station in life who would have the time to write and get her works published.  This does not negate the amusing chronicle of events unfolding in time of war and her eloquence of description.

Some quotes from the book on how bureaucracy works - Am struck not for the first time on how final arrangements never are final, but continue to lead on to still further activities until parallel with eternity suggest itself and brain in danger of reeling.

E. M. Delafield also refers to The Priory by Dorothy Whipple as a modern novel.

Remember my rating is within the First 100 Persephone Books and Persephone is already at the top of my list, but it does not stand the test in comparison.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Micawber Principle, New Year Principles To Keep In Mind

Micawber Principle, based upon his observation:

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."

Great Britain's pre-decimal currencies were Pounds, Shillings and Pence abbreviated £, s, and d. (Or as grandma used to say LSD, I think she had no idea what the other meaning of that was.) Thus "nineteen pounds nineteen and six" was £19/19/6d, six pence less than twenty pounds, and "twenty pounds ought and six", £20/0/6d, is six pence more than twenty pounds.

I'm sure I have written this in my blog before but the principle is well worth keeping in mind, for a new year.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy « Danny Byrne Blog


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting The New Year With Crochet and Colour

I have wanted to share some scarves that I have been crocheting.  When I was back in the UK my sister BB knitted me a lovely scarf with a little pom pom edging in shades of grey, white and black.  It's a special yarn, which came from Spain and I had not seen it over here in the States.

I was in Joanne Fabrics and I came across it.  There are three different makes there.  I have tried two of them.  The one most similar to the Spanish one is Patons Pirouette.  Unfortunately it's twice the price and half the length and really you need two to make a scarf.  The other two makes, are long enough for one scarf.

I phoned my sister and asked her how to knit it, but I just could not get the twisted look.  We laughed I'm all thumbs with knitting it looked like a ruff.  So I went on YouTube and found a way to crochet the scarf.  I prefer crochet to knitting and it's so easy.  You can also adjust the length of the scarf by the number of the stitches you crochet into it each time.

You can see the different lengths of the scarves the shortest one is the Patons and I will have to use another ball.  But the other two scarves are the same yarn Sashay but one is longer than the other because of the number of crochet stitches added in each time.

This type of yarn is call fishnet.  I like the Patons because it has the little sequins and the pom pom edging but not as large as the Spanish yarn.

I found a use for my Vera Bradley Poppy pattern pull case, for my crochet.  Just love this pattern; which may be discontinued now.

My mum gave me the Beamish mug which she bought there many years ago when we were camping up there altogether with mum and dad, my sister and her little boys, no Rob then. Filled with Chili Hot Chocolate and Mr. B made a delicious Chocolate Chip and Rum Cake.

Fortunately I turned it out before we had a power cut.  I was able to make the butter cream rum frosting in front of the fire by candle light and frosted the cake by torch light.  That was Sunday evening we lost the power for about two hours.

Well the new year is upon us and I am watching Camelot. 

I would like to share these thoughts with you as expressed at:

 John Chapter 15 Verse 11

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and your joy may be made full"
