Thursday, November 8, 2012

Long Melford

My dear friend J and I spent a wonderful day together visiting some Suffolk villages, touring in her beloved trusty old steed.  Here we are in Long Melford.  I have been here many times over the years with my family but have never visited the church.

This is the walk up to the church.  

This is the old hospital and alms houses.

The church Holy Trinity is more the size of a small cathedral rather than a village church, but it reflects the wealth of this area in the wool trade of East Anglia.  I don't know why I didn't take a panoramic view of the church outside.

I found The Hare Window very interesting with the origins of the trinity symbol predating Christianity.

Another interesting window has an Alice In Wonderland connection, being the model for the Duchess.

Another book connection to the church is that Beatrix Potter's cousin was married to a minister who served here and often visited Long Melford hall.

The flint stone work is a common sight in this area.


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