Saturday, September 1, 2012

Getting Back In The Swing

It's hard to get back into the swing of things in every day life.  My trip back to the UK for my mum's funeral went as well and better than one would have hoped for.  I was able to get a flight although a very busy time of year, as well as get the time needed off work for such a journey.

It was good to be back with family and old friends, it's such a comfort and a healing.  The funeral was very simple by the graveside, a talk of our hope in the resurrection to a restored paradise earth, Job 14:13-15, Luke 23:43, Revelation 21:1-5, followed by a very special moving personal prayer, both of which were given by elders in my mum's congregation.

All were congregated there and then we went back to my sisters for tea, coffee and cake.  And there we chatted reminisced and shared our thoughts and memories of my mum and my dad.

Coming back though on a Tuesday I had to go straight back to work on Wednesday, followed by a friends wedding on the weekend in NJ.  So I've had no time to touch down.  This weekend is a holiday weekend, Labor Day.

 The only thing is I am suffering from terrible allergies, so bad in fact that I sent my poor husband out at 1:30 AM to an open drug store to get me some medication.  I said my brain was going to blow off, my ears pop and my teeth were about to fall out.  If you've ever been in the grip of allergies, mine's to ragweed, you will know what I'm talking about. It's over whelming.  But with meds I'm feeling somewhat better.  I so do not want to waste my weekend off feeling terrible.

This morning I said to Mr. B. you didn't bring my tea up and he said don't you remember you said you ran out.  Now I never run out of tea, but we're talking about a regular blend of Assam tea.  So I said there must be something and routed around in my tea cupboard and found an unopened tin of Earl Grey. Thank goodness how could I go without my morning cuppa.  Now I have to make a trip to the Royal India Store, it sounds grand, but it's an Indian store attached to a Gas Station, but the best tea.  So when I go I stock up.  So I see a trip there this weekend.

Enjoy your weekend with family.


P.S.  I wanted to thank everyone who left such heartfelt and encouraging words for me.  Thank you all so very much.

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