Friday, September 21, 2012

A Day In The Amish Country

Part One

We spent a lovely day out in the Amish county.  It's about an hours drive from us.  On a Sunday it is very quiet there as it is the Sabbath a day of rest.  We wanted to go up and have one of their famous brunches, but of course finding a place that was open was not so easy, in the end we found out that Yoder's did a brunch on Sundays.  It is buffet style and very good.  

Many years ago my mum and dad came over for a visit and we took them up to the Amish Country and we had dinner.  Dad said it was one of the best dinners he ever had.  Not that mum and dad ate out a lot, but the down to earth country style suited my dad.

The expanse of farmlands and the open countryside is beautiful.  I'm partial to open vistas as opposed to being hemmed in by too much woodland.  Not that I don't like the woods, but I like to see the sky.

Amish families seem to be meeting here for their Sunday worship.  Quite a grouping of buggies and bicycles.  Bikes are quite interesting because some Amish will ride bikes and some will not, they have these kind of foot scooters, like I had when I was a kid.

This is a very sweet family with the children waving.

This Amish man was quite dapper out on his Sunday ride.  Most Amish seem to have the enclosed buggies, I guess if you have to have one vehicle it must suit family and all weather conditions.  Like having a family car as opposed to a sports car.

 I love this shot it seems so contradictory.

 This little family standing at the light with the buggy crossing was such a snapshot in time.

Coffee on the go Amish style, notice they have their travel mugs of I'm sure coffee.

I will continue Part 2 another day.  I'll give you a hint Bridges of Madison County.

Last day of the work week, it's been very hectic, deadlines to be met so I'm ready for the weekend.



  1. Hi Christy,
    We live in Mechanicsburg, daughter went to Millersville U. so we visited the Amish country a few times. Love the food. Glad you had a nice day.

  2. I love the contrasts of two worlds in the photos. I like big skies too, and although I like to see woods, feel the same as you that I like a view.

  3. Thanks for sharing the Amish with us :) I have always shown an interest in these people and their lifestyle...

