Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gladioli My Flowering Garden

This is what is blooming in my garden.  After weeks of hot dry weather, just not enough rain, the garden is looking parched so by July this is what is flowering.  I do love the gladioli, but they are such short lived beauties along with the cleome.  Where do the cleome originate from because they seed themselves everywhere, but I do love them, I call them Pink Sparklers

I did think I should have had the Grad Party earlier in the Summer when all was green and the roses were out, but that would have had to have been the end of May and just too much was going on.  Yes Roses at the end of May, everything blooms earlier and earlier.

Now I've got to gear up for the party this Saturday.  The trouble is there is only so much you can do before and everything has to be done on the day before and the day of.  There should be about 65 friends coming and many are contributing to the fair so that will help.  I'm sure it will all come together.



  1. Hope it all goes well and you have a great time. The flowers look lovely. We'll send you some of our rain as we could grow rice here!

  2. Just remember this weekend is supposed to be the best of the I think it will be so nice. I can't wait.
