Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rob's Graduation Party

The day dawned cloudy and quite cool, but warmer than Friday when I cooked, which was a wonderful cooking day, but we were a little concerned that it would clear up for Saturday.  There was a tiny shower in the morning and cloudy but as the day moved forward the sun came out.  It couldn't have been more perfect for all the running around and the work that needed to be accomplished.

I kept on track by looking at my list and saying to myself I need this accomplished by this time, and it worked and I even had 30 minutes to sit down with a friend who came a little later to help, before everyone came.  Plus time to get changed.

Above is my cake table and to the right my china and napkin/serviette table.

Tables set up, chairs rented for around the tables, and a pulling apart of Mr. Bit Brit's very neatly packed garage, the only reason I can keep so many treasures/junk in there is because he keeps it so neatly packed.  All my trash finds see the light of day and come together and some things after being kept for years have now seen the light of day and been discarded.

My retro coffee urn, a thrift shop find and my very plain clean lined silver teapot set a yard sale find, plus my original Meakin cups, a wedding gift.  Glass tray found in trash and Azores table cloth a thrift find.

Chinese battery lanterns see the light of day.  We had to buy AAA batteries, but I can't say they worked too well, but they did look lovely.

This is how the tables looked.  The tables and clothes were borrowed from a friend, but I had made the clothes for her, so now I get to use them.  IKEA $1.00 find double sided picture stands, just right.  Trash find candle-sticks spray painted silver.

In the for-ground two sofas found in the trash, a rattan and a very sixties cream bent bamboo.  Notice the original orange seat covers.

Rob with friends, holding his picture.  G on far left who I have known since I was two years old in the UK, our mothers were friends, and here we are both living in the USA.  Lovely to have friends you have known that long.

Rob coming up for seconds.  I think everyone enjoyed the food, there wasn't too much left,  lots of desert left, but not savoury.

And something that caused a commotion and a lot of photo taking a cicado on our ash tree emerging from it's nymph shell.

It's nice to see all one's plans and visions come together, shared with friends, music played. good food eaten and go to bed worn out but happy.


P.S.  Hope you are enjoying you weekend too.


  1. Glad it all went well and looked fun. Time to relax now!

  2. It was such a lovely time. The weather was perfect and it was a happy time.

    Thank you for inviting us!

  3. Wow, I'm very impressed! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. I hope you've had a chance to put your feet up since then!

  4. I was looking at the photos again and found myself thinking: How happy Rob looks!
