Thursday, July 12, 2012

Himalayn on the Oak Tree Patio

The cats seem to like the new Oak Tree Patio Area and Tinkerbell has adopted the Captain's chairs, especially this one.  These were also out for the Trash collector as we say in the States or the Dust Bin Man as we say in UK.  What ever it is Tinkerbell says thank you.

Tinkerbell has definite preferences as to what she likes to sit on, but shes very partial to rush seats and woven reed baskets.  I'm sure your little friends have their favourite places too.

I never knew that Himalayans and Persians cross their paws, it is the dearest little act.

Sorting through all my gathered objects in the garage, I came across these items to do some garden staging. little vignette type areas.

The shutters a friend gave to me and I've had them a while, the table was another trash find. I was pleased, I thought the amount of peeling paint matched quite well.  I know small things please us.  Good job too, because we don't get many large ones.

What I'm reading, a book a friend mailed to me The Fortnight In September, a Persephone Book.  It's a wonderful story, so well written, just delightful.  I will have to do a book review on it.  You must read it.  Basically it's a 1930's family who take a two week trip to the Seaside.  Sounds a little boring, not at all.

When I read a really good book I always keep a little journal of pages and write down thoughts and phrases that I especially like,  Hence the little tan Shakespeare Journal.  The end papers in Persephone books are always appropriate to the period and so well thought out.  A piece of fabric, a scarf or wallpaper design of the period.  With a matching bookmark.

So are you a trash picker and what are your finds?

Do you keep a little book review journal?


P.S.  Did I tell you that last Saturday in the 103 f heat we decided to go to the park, but not such a crazy idea as we went down to the creek, while trying to cross the creek Mr Bit Brit slipped in and I said why not, let's paddle, so with a throw back to child hood we paddled up the creek, it was great.  The birds were singing, the trees were shady and we even found an old rusted out sewing machine amongst the rocks, I wonder how long that had been there, it looked like an old treadle machine.  We brought home a couple of souvenirs, an old rusted door latch and two plastic clear cylinders very small, how did they manage to stay together?  They were wedged in a crevice.

It's one's own world there.


  1. I'm so pleased that you liked it. (I knew you would!)

  2. I have a mark against this book in the persephone catalogue. It sounds my type of book. I liked your observation that its a good thing small things please us as we don't get many large things-so true! What fun paddling up the creek. I haven't done that for years.
