Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cape Henlopen, DE The Boy's Adventure

Lovely sandy beaches along the coast here.  I have come to love this area, for it's salt marshes, and the pines.  I was always partial to a more rugged cliff type shoreline but so many areas have their own natural beauty that you come to love them in their own right, not in comparison.

The Boy wanted an adventure and it seemed that everyone was working or committed so he decided to go for a couple of days to The Shore camping.

The Shore for us either means New Jersey or Delaware.  He asked me what I thought was a good camp site and I said Cape Henlopen, DE; which is a State campsite right by the sea.  From us this is about a three hour drive.

I always thought that I could never live in a State too far from the Sea.  Over here in the States we say I'm going to the Shore, when I was a child we always said I'm going to the Seaside.

So Rob packed up his tent and some of our camping gear his bike and set off in his new car on an adventure.  We really weren't sure that he had everything he needed, but what the heck he's a teenager and he can figure it out.

So these are some of his photos from Cape Henlopen, it is lovely there.  The smell just walking through the pines which are so typical of the coast here and the tangy saltiness of the sea, so restful.

The Delaware and Chesapeake Bay areas are Key Migratory Routes for birds flying to and from the Arctic to South America and Monarch Butterflies in Cape May, NJ which fly all the way to Mexico for the winter (not the same butterfly, it's like a relay)  On the shore line here we have these crazy looking Horse Shoe Crabs and they lay literally millions of eggs and the birds gorge themselves on these on their stop over flying North.  The whole Eco system is crucial.

Since the State Park there used to be a military area during WWII it has a lot of old off the beaten path roadways; which I rather think the boy enjoyed.



  1. What a beautiful place and lovely memories for Rob to store away.

  2. I think seaside is for an area by the sea. As New Jersey is by the ocean it may be appropriate to say shore. Although shore could be used either way as it is simply by a large body of water. I think both ocean and sea would qualify.

    And then...what is in a name?
