Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Garden This Past Week



My lovely rose which is a salmon pink colour and has a beautiful coiled inner petal arrangement, it's been somewhat traumatized so I hope it takes


This little rose is small, a deep pink, not too different from a wild dog rose and is the same as a lovely rose bush we had growing at out house in Stansted

We moved the trellis across the garden, it fits just right and I like it between our two gardens.

As always my lovely climbing hydrangea

This past week I planted seeds.  I don't have time to do all the packs and marking everything, so I just sprinkled a load of different seeds in my two giant galvanized pots.  They are already shooting, I will sort it all out when they've grown up a bit.  One has vege in it and the other flowers.  Bo and I moved the clematis out of the pots and planted them in the garden by my kitchen.  We moved the trellis there and put it across to delineate between the vege garden and the flower garden. 

The clematis have done well as you can see, I wondered if they would transplanting them right now.  I've also dug up two rose bushes and transplanted them into the same garden.  They've had a little shock but I think they will take and do better than where they were.  Also dug up all my primulas which were under the hedge in the vegetable garden area and planted them in the same garden, one the yellow one reminds me of what we used to call peggles in England.  So I should have a lovely little kitchen flower garden.  it may even turn out to be my rose garden area with three other roses across the pathway.

Bo also got the fence painted.  Now was the time to do it before everything grows up.

The honeysuckle by the back door has been cut back ruthlessly, but it needed it.  Now is the time to also paint around our kitchen window which is usually overgrown with the honeysuckle and roses, so another project.


1 comment:

  1. Your garden was looking lovely back then...I'm sure it is looking even better now. I look forward to seeing more of your garden. I noticed that you mentioned you used to live in Stansted...well it really is a small world because my sister used to live in Hornchurch (moved to Colchester this spring) and I live near Halstead only in Kansas ;) and I have been all around that area! I've even been through Chipping Ongar (love that name). It's wonderful to see these names again. Enjoy your garden...when the sun starts to shine again.
    Maura :)
