Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Brooklyn Boys, Chalcedony Ring

Hi, I never showed you the other ring that was an anniversary gift.  This was an original design by The Brooklyn Boys, well that's what Cindy and I call them.  It's silver and bronze with a chalcedony stone.  I love the colour of this particular stone.  The workmanship is lovely it's so appealing almost Medieval in design.

Chalcedony is a semi precious stone so not exceedingly expensive at all.  I will look at a gem show for some stones to match this, of course I'll have to take the ring along for colour, that will be fun.  This particular shade of green is delightful.

Today it is raining it has been pouring for 24 hours, so the roads will start to flood out.  Part of the route I take to work is particularly prone to flooding.  There's a short cut road I take by a creek and there's an old mill building there.  For sure they knew where to build them because it always floods here.  Why there are two houses built opposite I will never know because they have been flooded out at least three times this year.

A couple of weekends ago I watched Mill On The Floss again, I always enjoy that story by George Elliott, but a sad ending.

I have a water colour my grandmother did of a mill, I think when she painted it she was thinking of Flatford Mill, painted by Constable and just so very picturesque and worth a visit.

This week is a short week just three days at work because of the Thanksgiving holiday, so that is nice.


1 comment:

  1. The ring is beautiful. Hope you enjoy the rest from work. I sympathise with the flooding as the lane to my last work place used to flood and the alternative route was miles out of the way.
