Saturday, October 29, 2011

Up In The Rain

I would say up at the crack of dawn; which would be true.  I am up at the crack of dawn every day, about 5:00AM, but today I had to bring in all my clay and ceramic pots, so they will not crack in the snow storm which is meant to be heading our way.  Cripes all Friday, it's not even the end of October.  It was nasty pouring with rain and I'm out in my PJs with a jacket on, walking up and down the basement steps, trying to balance them on the steps, as it's a good place to keep them.  Not in my way and covered.  I was not a happy camper.  But with working all week when else do I have time to get this done.

Plus Boosul Boy committed the cardinal sin of not cleaning up the kitchen like I had asked him to since he had a day off from school.  Although he did bring the wood in and that was important.  So I cleaned up the kitchen this morning.  Plus no whites, so the wash had to be done to dry in time, so that we have something to wear today.

The snow coming is meant to be a very heavy snow and since there are a lot of autumn leaves still left on the trees I'm sure there will be a lot of broken branches.

Last night I lit the wood stove for the first time to warm the house up, it was very cold.  Now I'm sitting in the Simla Room with the gas stove on too, so I'm being very extravagant in doing this.

We have to get Rob's Pathfinder up to Creamery Tire for two new tires, this morning and friends are picking us up at 10:00AM there and we're going out on service.  I think I've spent the whole of October running around with the vehicles.

Last week was the recall with the Pathfinder, and so it goes on.

Crazy week at work needing lots of buckets of water to put out fires smooth ruffled feathers and get things done.  Did get to go out to lunch and be introduced to a client I work with, that was Friday, yesterday.  The trouble with going out is, you still have all your work to do when you get back.  Deadlines to meet.  Waking up in the middle of the night with clients needs going round in your brain, that really is too much, taking your work home, but my brain can't seem to help it.  I never used to take my work home.

Well meant to get together with a friend this afternoon to work on fun creative things, jewelry making.

Take care have a great weekend.


1 comment:

  1. We heard in the news about your threatened snow and it seems its in New York now. Early mornings the best time to get things done - no distractions! I can sympathise with the car saga and I've only got one car to worry about. Hope you found time(and energy) for the fun activity.
