Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Saturday

My Saturday has been lazy.  A slow start in my PJ's writing a letter drinking tea. Tink on my lap in the Simla room, what could be nicer.

I needed it, busy week at work, Tax season is starting and we do all the tax forms for the State of DE, 70,000 employees and I have to make sure all the electronic files are where they're meant to be on time, along with envelopes, so no messing up there.

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a terrible migraine, so I was glad that by morning I was feeling better.

The afternoon has whizzed by, as a friend came over and fixed my toilet cistern which was leaking and put a new toilet seat on.  I had to dash to Walmart for this, it was badly needed as the other one had split off on the side, and if you weren't careful gave a nasty nip.  All this made me clean the bathroom and wash the shower curtain; which all needed badly doing.

I actually got out of Walmart without having to go to customer service, that's an accomplishment, and my gift card actually had the money on it that was meant to be there.  Last time I sent Rob in with it the lady said it didn't work and would I like to, yes you've guessed it, go to customer service.  No I would not like to go to customer service at 10:00 PM at night, when I only wanted one gallon of milk and now it was become a whole episode, as Rob had to come back out of the store and get me to come in and pay for it.

I'm sitting in the Simla room, the sun is going down, and along comes a monarch butterfly October 8th I think she's a little late in the neighborhood as they all fly to Mexico for the winter, of course it's not the ones that begin the journey that make it there.  But lovely to see her enjoying the last of summer, our Indian Summer.

Rob and I are treating ourselves tonight to Thai/Vietnamese, not sure what that will be like, but a school friend recommended it, so should be fun.  I've always wanted to try a Vietnamese sandwich which I heard of on TV.  It's served in French Bread, the French colonial influence there, but the insides are all Vietnamese, I'm dying to try one and wonder whether they will have it here.  It was rated a number one sandwich in the world, along with a shark bake from Tobago.  Hope to one day get there as my friend Alicia comes from there.

Will let you know what the restaurant was like.



  1. Its good to have a lazy day sometimes after the hurly-burly of modern life. Hope you enjoyed the meal.

  2. I hope you are feeling much better! How was the meal?
