Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuppy's Summer

After Tuppy is fed she likes to laze and roll around on the lawn.  But don't get under her paws when she comes in for her food in the morning, it's a cat stampede and Tinkerbell had better not get in her way or upset her in any form or she will be smartly cuffed around the ear.

Today is another 98f scorcher of a day.  It has not truly rained for I'd say a month or more, consequently the grass is all dried up and the garden needs continually watering.  We've even had thunder storms that rumble but no rain.  It makes me think of Sarah Plain and Tall, when she moves from Maine to live in the Prairies and it's certainly been like that.

My temperature situation is boil or freeze, as at work they have it down to 68f can you believe that?  Yesterday I wore two cardigans, I didn't care what I looked like.  There is something wrong with the air-conditioning at the office, it is too humid.  So cold and humid, what could be worse, I said if I wanted to live in Scotland I'd move there.

Wednesday is of course my day off, I only have one left, 'Boo Hoo' so I sat outside with my omelet and a cup of tea, this was a little before eight and I actually felt just a little cool breeze touch my face, but needless to say it didn't last for long.  I was more than tentatively invited to lunch today, but I think they forgot, so since I was half way to two thrifts not in my area I went and visited them, coming home with a nice $2.00 basket that would be great for picnics.  I'd like to do a picnic before the summer is over.

I was going down to Atlantic City this Saturday, one of those promo deals, four free air tickets, a meal, show and three nights hotel.  But when I looked into it you can only book the flights through a certain travel agency and you must book a hotel to get the flight, etc. etc.  Needless to say I'm not wasting my time and gas on that.

Have a nice day.


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