Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Hope and Lambertville a Saturday Excursion

An old hotel and restaurant in Lambertville

Inside the ice cream parlour

Canal in Lambertville

The gardens of the antique shop overlooking the Delaware River

Rob 'On The Tom Toms'

Walking across the bridge to New Hope

A little restaurant in New Hope

Rob ordering frapacinos, I had mocha and he had caramel

Just outside Starbucks, resting and drinking our fraps

The walk back

It was the first Saturday that Rob has not worked since last November, well almost.  He has changed his days to working all of them during the week.  I know that working a Saturday afternoon or evening really does cramp ones style, you seem to miss out on so much, I remember because I worked a Saturday afternoon for a whole year on my first job and did not like it.

We decided to take advantage of the time together, so after getting a late start, by the time we got home from service, fed the M's dog, watered their garden, ran to Walmart to pick up cat food and buy some CDs of a local radio station doing a fund raiser outside, well by the time we did all that it was 3:00 PM.  I drove there, with Rob and I listening to the music he had just bought.

I hadn't been to New Hope for a couple of years and all the parking was metered as far as the eye could see.  There was no way you could park beyond the meters as they extended for well almost miles.  We had no change, so I said to Rob let's drive over the bridge to Lambertville.  Now this is a bridge that crosses the Delaware River and connects Pennsylvania to New Jersey.  We got across the bridge and still meters, but not as extensive and voila I see a guy leaving a spot, mum does a quick three point turn and we are in that parking spot lickity split.  Quite central and just perfect no meter.

As it was a hot day we decided to get ice creams, I got coconut, Rob butter almond.  We visited inside an antique shop which backed onto the river.  The gardens full of garden paraphernalia was quite nice to walk around.  Rob was taking photos on his phone and sending them to friends plus texting them.  I have a new catch phrase for this, 'on the Tom Toms' it is the way of life for young ones letting their friends know what they're doing at any given moment, it just reminded me of Indians sending messages on their drums, thus I've named it 'on the Tom Toms'.

We walked the bridge back to New Hope in PA and looked around a little.  By then we or I was for sure quite tired so we stopped in Starbucks and got frapecinos before walking the bridge back to the car.

Back in Lambertville we went past an antique shop with a half price table outside and there was a really neat set of bookends.  In I think a form of onyx, in a pale green and orange, shaped like a cactus with a Mexican man in a sombrero resting his back.  Rob had been wanting bookends to hold up his DVDs and these were perfect, he liked them very much, saying the colours toned in with his wood, so I treated him to them, to remember our day out together, at $9.00, we were happy and it rounded out our day perfectly.  Did forget to take a photo of them so will do so.


1 comment:

  1. Wandering around interesting places is such a relaxing day out. I laughed at your "tom-tom" description but it is so true!
