Sunday, July 24, 2011

Almost 30 Years Ago

Before the days of wedding planners, before the days of lavish over the top weddings, here I am getting ready.  I look like a mannequin I think.  My bridesmaids are helping me.  Janice to the left is a hair dresser and still to this day does my hair, wow that's a long time.  She's just putting the finishing touches to my up swept hair.

This photo more than any others I have catches the beauty of the fabric of my dress.  Borrowed from an older friend, it's from the 1940's, wasn't it beautiful?  I loved it because 1981 was the era of the very, very lacy, puffed sleeves, pearled and sequined dresses, also the very puffed Princes Di dress and although they were lovely it wasn't me and I knew that.  I'm so glad I went this way because I have never regretted wearing this dress.  I think it stands the test of time as a classic.



  1. Yes that photo really does show the fabric off and you look so beautiful.

  2. Your dressis lovely and how much better to have dear friends help you from their heart.
