Saturday, June 4, 2011

Party at M&M's

M&M's House

The back patio, with tables ready for the party

Nicole who came early and helped

Alex happy as the bartender

Josie and Maria

Jen, Josie's daughter and me

Maria and I in her foyer
Rob, Rob and I
Alex and Maria love to entertain and when they do it's definitely in style.  The temperature was a little cooler thank goodness, so I wore my paradise pink trousers and top; which I hardly ever get to wear, because they look more summery, but it has to be a cool summer day and we do not get too many of them, well at least not when you've been invited out.  But all came together this Saturday so I wore this very, very bright outfit.

I came and helped out the day before to do some things and also made a salad the day of the party.  Nicole came early and helped.  Unfortunately Rob had to work, so he came after work.

Josie and her daughter Jen moved here a couple of years ago from Chicago, they're a lot of fun.  Jen is in the middle of two weeks at pioneer school.  She's been telling us lots of Bible riddles.

Alex is happy at the bar, and by the way that drink he is pouring is delicious.  I do not remember the Hispanic name for it, but it does have coconut milk in and rum, it's quite thick so you serve it in a small glass.   The menu was Puerto Rican, pork and chicken with special seasoning, yuka, plantain, a garlic sauce called? Plus my salad.  Strawberries with chocolate, tiramasu, Boston cream pie, etc.

A fun evening.


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