Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Sunday Afternoon at Jenkins Arboretum

Sunday afternoon the sun came out and we decided to visit the Jenkins Arboretum, just Bo and I.  We knew that we were probably a week late in seeing the azaleas at their best and with all the rain their little heads would be bowing.  But the rhododendrons were out and they were lovely.

The garden was full of garden sculpture and artwork interspersed among the trees, which added fun to the pathways and sights.  So here are a few photos of our peaceful walk.  Plus what's so nice about the Jenkins' is that it is free.

I had wanted to buy a Jack in the Pulpit, which just the day before Candyce and I had spoken about, but unfortunately the shop was closed by the time we got back.  So maybe another time I will get one.  I would like to plant one on my burial mound, which I'd like to make a quasi woodland garden.  My grandmother had a whole dinner service with Jack in the Pulpit in the center of the plates, a deep green edging, trimmed in gold.  That special dinner service always intrigued me with that pattern, it was so unusual, I've never seen another like it.

I love the Lady Slippers, what a gossamer name for those beautiful orchids.


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place. The photos are great. Glad you had a peaceful walk. I've never heard of those flowers before. They are amazing.
