Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Rainy Day Tour of My Garden

It rained yet again, so what's new?  It's rained all spring and it's as green as Ireland.  The trees and shrubs are loving it, but I'm afraid it's bad news for my peonies.  Every year they bloom and it seems to rain on them, their glory is only two days, it seems highly unfair.

I love my new trellis, a brain wave, did I mention this in a previous post?  Well the trellis has sat around for ever, it's from IKEA, and I had the brain wave to attach it to the bamboo posts we picked up last year.  Bo carried it out, screwing it on etc and Voila!  It's great.  Now I'm growing peas up it.

We brought a new grill, to go with our new fence.  No not really.  The old one was burnt out and the inner workings had been replaced a couple of times.  It was larger than this one, but in all honesty we never need it that large, so now we have a neater, smaller one.

Our wood pile is all ready for next winter and I added more ferns and a bleeding heart to my burial mound garden, in what I like to call my woodland area.  I think of my garden as I do of Britain, a small area with diversity of scenery.  My patio areas, the Kitchen Patio, the Simla Patio and the Pond Patio, my pond, my vege garden, my kitchen garden, my lawns and the woodland area, all different little places to sit and enjoy.

Well that's a rainy day in my garden.


1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks so lush! We don't normally wish for rain in this country but we could do with some of yours now. I love the way you divide your garden up into different areas like the big old country houses. I have two sitting areas, the kitchen patio for the evening sun and the arbour patio for the rest of the day.
