Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thrifted Fabric And A Frog

Isn't he the cutest little basket? I think he's enjoying his time spent under the garden daffodils.  Another bunch of daffs, these salvaged from the ravages of torrential downpour all day.

I couldn't pass by this pretty fabric and one piece was from Colonial Williamsburg, it must be an original design from the UK.  The other is Paisley, with an Indian meld.  I've always loved the Paisley design.  Now what to do with it?

Friday was a busy day running all day. but a satisfactory day.  

When I worked at the old office location which was ten years, plus all the other office locations were in that direction, I had all my doctors, pharmacist, shops etc aligned down that corridor of roadway.  Since my new office is in the totally opposite direction, I'm never out there any more.

But yesterday I had to go to the doctor's.  I've had a swollen toe for over two months, but it never bothered me, until I started doing all this walking this month and of course now it's bothering me, plus I should have had it looked at.  I was happy when the diagnoses was rheumatism, although I still have to go to a foot specialist.  At least it was not my heart, lack of circulation etc.  One is happy with a diagnosis of rheumatism when you get older.  That's a sad comment on life.

From there I stopped off and visited an old friend at their place of business.  They do Deep Massage Therapy.  I caught her just in between patients so was able to have a little chat and made arrangements to go to a bead show together today, so that will be fun.

Off to my old grocery shop Trader Joes, where I got my favourite bread, wasabi nut mix and broccoli, it's cheaper there.  Heading back I hit the Indian Gas Station, where I buy my tea.  I got a 4 lb box of Pekoe Red Label Tea for $12.00, Jean you'll have to tell me how that compares to UK prices.  But by buying the bulk size it saved me $1.00 per pound of tea.

Back into town and I stopped off to see Joni who's husband Al died, so very young.  She misses him terribly.  But we had a nice chat, commiseration on life, spiritual talk and a laugh.

Home, then off with Bob to pick up the Pathfinder, which was at the Nissan dealership for work.  This was the only downer of the day $1,200 dollars, gulp.

Stopped at a thrift up that way and found a nice brand new pair of black sandals for the summer $4.00, Cabin Creek.

So a successful coordinated day.


1 comment:

  1. The material is lovely! Glad your swollen toe is not too serious. Sainsburys and Asda don't sell pekoe tea. Twinings do an orange pekoe for £20 per 1lb!! I buy sainsburys red label loose tea which is £2.70 per 1lb or earl grey is £4.52 per 1lb. I like loose leaf tea but most people use tea bags now. Your tea sounds a real bargain. I was surprised that you had snow. It has been 22C here in the south.
