Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cold Frame

I'm somewhat disappointed with my seed growing this year.  I thought the cold frame would work well.  But I think it's been so cold that the seedling have not been able to germinate. I should have started them in the house to germinate, then put them in the cold frame.  Also I think I should have lined the area with old newspapers.  I've been meaning to do this for a while to insulate the area, but just haven't got to it.  So I'm way behind.  I think I will have to get some plants off a friend Jack who has lots; which he grew under lights in the house.

Last year I did so well, but every night we were putting them in the garage and only bought them out on warm days and this spring has been so wet and cold.  I've started more seeds in the house, but now I'm behind schedule, but I guess there's still a month to planting.


1 comment:

  1. Plenty of time yet especially as you have a longer and hotter growing season than us. My seedlings are all indoors apart from perpetual spinach which started under a cloche and is now just through.
