Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cold Today

Last night it was down in the teens Fahrenheit, sorry we're terribly old fashioned over here in not using Centigrade, but the sun is out, it seems to have been a long winter.  

Rob put some speakers on Craig's List, that he bought at the Thrift.  So he will be happy that the buyer a Vietnamese man with his little girl and cousin, came today and bought them. 

They all took their shoes off and went upstairs to look at the speakers, Tinkerbell had a field day investigating them, she does quite like shoes.  I hope they were not allergic to cats.  Funny enough Bo just said this morning how different the two are.  Tuppy just rushes to her breakfast food, but Tink takes her time investigating anything that has been moved, rearranged or new.

I'm thinking of seeds again, and know that some packets I have are several years old.  I will use some of these and buy some fresh ones from the dollar store.  Believe it or not if you get there early enough they have enough varieties to keep me going, in both vegetables and flowers. Plus I have seeds I saved from the actual plants from last year, I should have a go at growing those too.  And friends often share seeds, and starter plants.  The ground is still covered in snow.  I guess because the winter has seemed so long I think I should get planting, but it's only February.

If you'd like some little free printable seed packets  there are other places on line too, just take a look.


1 comment:

  1. I had forgotten about the seed packets. I just printed the victorian looking ones to use for sending tea bags...I am no good at gardening sad to say.
