Friday, January 14, 2011

Tuesday of This Week, Dare I Say the Word, Snow

Today we must keep the fire cranked up as it is hovering around 20 f and was below during the night, and as we heat the house just with the wood stove it must be made up in the early morning to keep a fairly constant heat in the house.  It's hard to bring the heat up again once it has dipped down.

This was our evening on Tuesday.  The snow is coming down outside; we actually landed up with five inches.  But we are warm inside and this is the giant stack of wood that hubby brought in to tide us over.  The basket was his mum's washing basket, it's a giant one, has to date back to the forties or early fifties, because Bo's mum died when he was four.  It looks nice in the house and serves a useful purpose during the winter.

I mustn't forget my latest thrift find isn't she so cute.  A little Kitty Lamp, I would say circa fifties.  I just love her.  Along with a picture of Boosul boy as a little boy.  And a dear little pottery teapot.

Tinkerbell in her favourite place.  My constant chair companion.  Not a cat who likes to sleep on your lap, but one who loves to be with you, by your side.

Well that was our Tuesday night this week.


1 comment:

  1. Bob's pile of wood reminded me of the little house books. Can't remember which one but it was the account of Laura bringing the whole wood pile in when a storm was starting.
