Friday, December 31, 2010

T.G.I. Tea, Morning Tea

Every morning hubby brings me a cup of tea in bed.  So this is a view of my morning cuppa.

This is one of my large cup sets.  Unfortunately I broke the saucer, then found a similar set in the Thrift, only instead of a Tea design it was a Coffee design, hence you can just see the double ee on the saucer.

My reading at the moment is Mrs Milburn's Diaries.  Her everyday life throughout WWII.  From her son being taken prisoner of war, to the price of food.  R.P.  Raiders Passed to A.C.  All Clear.  I love the front cover of the paperback.

By my bed is this photo.  It seems appropriate to this post as it is a photo of Rob and I at the Japanese Tea Gardens in San Francisco, with our pot of green tea.  Rob was about eight.  The lovely frame was a gift from a friend, Kim.

Well where have you had your cuppa?


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Isle of Skye Journals

Back of my Journals
Front of Journals
 I made two journals for 2011 on Blurb, from my 2009 Isle of Skye photographs.  I'm keeping the one on the left and the other with the highland beast I am sending to my sister.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

All Good Deeds Have their Reward

Last week I phoned a friend who is house bound with knee replacement surgery, she wanted a prescription picked up from her doctor and dropped off at the pharmacy.  Her doctor has a practice in a lovely large old house in the lovely large old house section of town.  And guess what they were taking out of a lovely old large house,in that section of town, yes a beautiful set of ten windows.  Now I have stopped picking up discarded windows, because hubby says he will not put anymore in the garage, but I ask you how could you pass these by?

I always dream of making my own green house or garden conservatory out of them, maybe one day.

The above scavenged green house is in the Orkney Islands and I got it off Wind and Wellies Blog.

It was a bitter day and I would not have been in that section of town if I had not being doing my good deed.  Things do have a way of working out.

Plus I saw my friend and we shared a pot of tea.


Monday, December 27, 2010

#7 Connecticut Quilt Square

I'm sorry I've missed a couple of Mondays, just life.  But here is #7 Connecticut.  Don't you love those Indian names?


Sunday, December 26, 2010

10:30 PM And All Is Quiet In The Snow Of The Night

It's 10:30 PM Sunday Night and this is my view.  Its blowing quite hard and meant to snow all night.  You can see the snow piling up on the kitchen window screen.  But we're warm and cozy by the wood stove.

I've been working on another Blurb book.  This one is a download of my 2008 Year of Blogging.  It was quite easy to download the posts, but to tweak all the photographs and to work all the page layouts the way you want them to look takes time. 

My last couple of books I did not do a PDF printed proof and I think it's much easier to catch a mistake on a printed proof than on the screen.  We always do printed proofs at work and I need to take the time to do one for this. 

I have a $25.00 credit, as on one of my journals I did for 2011, was trimmed further in than I thought it should have been, and cut off part of my date numbers, not too bad, but not right.  The other journal I did is fine.  So therefore the credit which I need to use up.

I wish Blogging had been around when Rob was little, as it's a great way of keeping a pictorial journal.  And just going over 2008 brought back many memories.


Weather Update!

We're expecting seven to twelve inches of snow!

There's Snow On The Fields

There's snow on the fields
And cold in the cottage,
Whilst I sit in the chimney nook
Supping hot pottage.
My clothes are soft and warm,
Fold upon fold,
But I'm so sorry for the poor
Out in the cold

Christina Georgina Rossetti


Sprinkling Snow on Begonias

Well they're dead now, but this is how they looked before their fated freeze, when the snow had just dusted them.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dragonfly Tiffany Lamp

I don't very often see something and buy it without too much thought, especially when it is a more expensive item.  But when I saw this lamp it was a must have.  The combination of dragonflies with beautiful cut glass.  I loved it when I bought it and I still do.  It's just bejeweled.


Friday, December 24, 2010

No More Wisdom Teeth

Yesterday Boosul Boy had his four wisdom teeth out.  We arranged it over the holiday period so that he did not miss too much school.  He's a little swollen, but not too bad.

Rob's dentist said he could leave it until next year.  But unfortunately being on COBRA we may not be able to afford to keep paying COBRA so he had to have them removed while we still have it.


T.G.I. Tea Friday, Tea in Titian and Fruit Cake

A favourite place to have a cup of tea, is sitting in my Chinese chair with my little oak half table.  It's a dear little table which came with the first house we ever bought, a row home, off an old Italian couple.  Underneath is a shelf for my books, journal and pens.  Plus behind the chair I can hide all my needlework apparel.

This is a sunny little set I have, well hardly a set, one cup a couple of saucers and several different size plates, but I love the sunny yellow.  It's Titian Ware, made in England, so pretty.  And a nice miniature fruit cake, yummy.

The photos are my mum and I and me with baby boosul boy.


T.G.I.Tea, Do post your quiet tea time, see the link below.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Excuses

Last week was very hectic.  A retirement luncheon at work.  All day with friends in the ministry, Friday; which was fun.

But Saturday was hard, a Memorial Service for a friend's daughter who I have known ever since she was a little girl.  She died at age 38 leaving behind two young teenagers and an eight year old.  The memorial was held at a High School Auditorium and there were over 800 in attendance.

She died of IBC, inflammatory breast cancer; which every woman should know about.  As you do not feel a lump and it cannot be detected on a mammogram, but there are symptoms to look for.

Unfortunately being only 30 the doctor didn't really follow through like he should have done and by the time she went back she had to have the radical mastectomy and lymph nodes taken out.  She had just passed five years when she started getting pain again and it had spread to her brain.

I knew I had an old photo of all the family when she was a little girl, so after a dig up in the attic chest I found the old photo and had copies made for the family.  It was a lovely photo of happier times.

Sunday visiting friends all day.

Monday and Tuesday, work, and that brings us up to why the 500th Post giveaway drawing was late.


BB Knits a Knitted Hoble Skirt Suit

I have spoken a little bit about my sister BB in the UK who knits.  Well I think this suit really shows her abilities when it comes to knitting.  There isn't anything she can't knit.  This suit is a combination of knitted and crocheted.

I love it. it's easy to wear and very warm.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

And the Winner Is?

And the winner of the 500th Post Award is Tracy at Sunny Corner Farm

Sorry Tracy spelled your name with an e

And I got out my little basket to do the job in style.  All entered and shaken.

And the drawing of a winner

Tracy contact me a let me know what you would like out of the Lil Bit Brit Corner Store, either a piece of Jewelery or something knitted along with the other items and I will post it out to you in Australia.  If I could post myself with it I would.  Enjoy!


PS  I'm sorry the drawing is late, I will give my excuses in another post.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Eclipse of the Moon

About 2:30 this morning I hear the Boy walking around and asked what are you up for and he said the eclipse of the moon.  So since I was awake I got up too, and took the top photo with my little camera, of the eclipse.  The bottom photo was the moon tonight, it was gorgeous, but by the time I took a photo it was clouded over.


Going Away Get Together

Just a little get together for a visiting friend from Chicago. 

Working in the kitchen.  Isn't this a lovely kitchen?


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tinkerbell's Fav Place

Tinkerbell in one of her favourite places, the arm of the sofa

Friday, December 17, 2010

T.G.I. Tea Friday , a Simple Tea and Apple Cake

You can see the steam rising from a piping hot cup of tea

Just a simple cup of tea and Jewish Apple Cake on an old tray.

I like a cup of tea, but always think the first cup of tea out of the pot is the best, so I solve that problem by having a large cup and saucer.  I like coffee in mugs but tea in a cup and saucer.  The cup is Redoule Roses, Royal Kirkham, Fine Bone China, Made in England.

Hubby made the Jewish Apple Cake, served on Classic J&G Meakin, Blue Nordik, English Ironstone.

The tray is a Florentine paper mache toile tray from Italy, a wedding present and used every day, so it's seen a lot of wear.

This was a cup of tea and cake that hubby got ready for me.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Morning Sun in the Kitchen

Sunbeam through the kitchen window 


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuppence by the Fire

Tuppence is partial to a little heat.  She loves to sit by the fire and she loves to bask in a sunbeam.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bound and Determined

Stopped in action skidding to get his ball
Here he has it

Here are the cookies he was bound and determined to eat
This dog was on a walk with it's owner, running around and catching his ball, when his nose called him to our peanut butter cookies.  He came across once making a beeline for them.  He was called away went down the path out of view, had second thoughts about them and came bounding back again to have another go at getting them.  Yes he was bound and determined to have a peanut butter cookie.
