Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Excuses

Last week was very hectic.  A retirement luncheon at work.  All day with friends in the ministry, Friday; which was fun.

But Saturday was hard, a Memorial Service for a friend's daughter who I have known ever since she was a little girl.  She died at age 38 leaving behind two young teenagers and an eight year old.  The memorial was held at a High School Auditorium and there were over 800 in attendance.

She died of IBC, inflammatory breast cancer; which every woman should know about.  As you do not feel a lump and it cannot be detected on a mammogram, but there are symptoms to look for.

Unfortunately being only 30 the doctor didn't really follow through like he should have done and by the time she went back she had to have the radical mastectomy and lymph nodes taken out.  She had just passed five years when she started getting pain again and it had spread to her brain.

I knew I had an old photo of all the family when she was a little girl, so after a dig up in the attic chest I found the old photo and had copies made for the family.  It was a lovely photo of happier times.

Sunday visiting friends all day.

Monday and Tuesday, work, and that brings us up to why the 500th Post giveaway drawing was late.


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