Thursday, December 2, 2010

500th Post Give Away

500th Post


Can't believe that milestone has come around, and since "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving"  I would like to share with you a little package of goodies.

I take a trip around the world almost every day of my life in Blog Land and I have found this to be a heart warming time, of shared thoughts, feelings and ideas.  I love to see something that bounces off creative thoughts in my mind and you just run with them and even if you don't actually create all these ideas isn't it just fun to think about them?


  • If your are a follower, old or new just stop by on this 500th Post and say Hello!  That is the first entry
  • Comment on any post from now until December 17th, 11:59PM that is another entry automatically (no need to refer to the 500th Post Give Away)
  • Leave a comment on your Blog about this with a link to my Lil Bit Brit Blog another entry (just leave a comment stating so)
  • The drawing will be on Saturday 18th December

I wanted to share something that represents where I live and that is the lil Eastern Bluebird which comes to nest here every spring in Pennsylvania.  So with that in mind I have made this broach of felt, and silk from The Working Silk Museum, in Braintree, Essex, England.  Reflecting some of my heritage.

Along with this take a little shopping spree without your purse and choose a piece of available jewelery or knitted wear, out of my Lil Bit Brit's Corner Store, have fun doing so.

And a set of four cards of North American birds. the Indigo Bunting, Scarlet Tanager, Orange-Crowned Warbler and last but not least the Northern Cardinal.

Piece of seasonal fabric.

Hooks and eyes plus press buttons from a bygone age but still from Philadelphia.

It may not seem to tie in a French item, but we live very near to Valley Forge, where the Colonial American Army encamped for the Winter, while fighting the Brits for their independence.  If the French hadn't backed and financed them they might never have kicked us out.

I thought this was a dear little piece to include in my give away.  It says the fleur de Lis symbolizes purity.

Well have fun.  Looking forward to your comments.



  1. Hello Christy,
    Wow, 500 posts.Your giveaway is absolutely lovely but I don't need the temptation of a giveaway to read your blog, it is like agift every time I visit.
    Thanks for your blog,

  2. Hello Christy,
    I do love the pin!

    Fleur de Lis...I had been told it was a symbol of the trininty but I looked it up on wikipedia and it is more a political thing--used on coat of arms and things like that. Many countries have used it.

    500 posts! I have enjoyed every one of them!
