Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shenandoah National Park Bike Ride, Virginia 104 Miles

This is where Boosul Boy is today.  He's biking a 104 mile road route through the Shenandoah National Park area.  He's there with several different families.  It looks like they have great Autumn weather for it about 54 f right now going up to 70f and not raining.  The trees should be spectacular.  He leaves from Front Royal, which; name might have originated from the French, meaning the British Front, or border of their territory.  All the way to Waynesboro.

He has been looking forward to the ride for a while, and making preparations.  I feel so bad for him because he forgot his special clip biking shoes, which he had just bought along with the special pedals which he bought on Ebay from Israel.  So he gets all the way there and realises he doesn't have them. Unfortunately I had left for work and wasn't there to check around as all mum's do and see that he had everything.  It's 250 miles from our house.  His dad felt so bad for him that he was going to drive there with them, but Rob had decided to just buy regular pedals and cycle that way.  It is a disappointment, but I hope it all works out.  And that he takes lots of photos and has a great ride.


P.S.  Boosul is a Romany Gypsy word for Beautiful

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