Friday, October 8, 2010

Book Pile and Blogger Pics

My Pile of books from the library.  I had to spend a whole day at home before a procedure in the hospital last week, so stocked up on some lovely viewing books.  Isn't this a lovely garden book?

Have you had problems uploading your pics?  I've quite given up arranging them in the order I want them it's impossible and takes too long.  So if these don't look in the correct order blame blogger.



  1. What lovely books. Hope your procedure went well.

  2. The garden does look lovely. Ilove the dress,so inappropriate for gardening but just so lovely. My pictures are coming out topsy-turvy on blogger but I have found that I can click and drag them where I want them to go.
    I hope your procedure went smoothly and it so nice to be able to read your blog again.
