Thursday, July 22, 2010

Came home from work today absolutely exhausted. By Thursday I always seem pretty tired and then we have a meeting in the evening so one has to rally. A cup of tea and a french chocolate biscuit help.

Plus Bo made me a BLT a sure American standby, bacon, lettuce, and tomato with mayonnaise, fresh tomatoes from the garden and very young lettuce leaves on brown bread, very tasty. My dad used to love a bacon sandwich, only the bread would be buttered and there would be 'daddy's brown sauce' added. I guess tomatoes were always expensive when I was a child as they were either imported or grown in a greenhouse. Over here with the hot weather, they are so plentiful when they come on.

I had waiting for me a pretty flowered package and a letter from Candyce. She's so in tune with what I like book wise and this is what she sent me. By the writers of the Mass Observation Project, of which Nella Last's Diaries are part of. Have you seen the TV series? So I started reading a few passages out of there.

Also in the package was a modern stylish fountain pen, see through, in purple and rather fun. I've got out of the habit of using a fountain pen so this will be great.

Well have to dash.


1 comment:

  1. Yes I have read Nella Last's war a couple of times and there is also a follow on book about after the war but can't remember the name. Will try the other book but have a feeling I've read it.
